Chapter 19

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I sighed. Back in the stables. Of course. Then I heard familiar voices. I turned around and saw their a bit annoying smiles. The stableman - Seokmin and the boy who was walking with him everywhere - Soonyoung. I deeply sighed. Please, not again.

"Can you ride a horse?" Seokmin asked with a big grin.

They both came closer to me full of curiosity. I shook my head no. "NO? Of course, I can't." I noticed that they both raised their eyebrows. Then I realized it. I rode a horse. Here! In the story!

"I can see you finally realized you were riding a horse, am I right?" Seokmin said a little bit more mockingly and Soonyoung, how else, joined him. They were the same.

"Haha, very funny... I'm glad you two are happy," I said a little bitterly as I crossed my hands on my chest.

"Yeah, it was a little bit funny, Hansol," Soonyoung replied with a laugh. "But, seriously, now you have to go to the forest where he is waiting for you,"


"Your horse," Soonoyung added simply. "Don't worry though, I'll go with you."

I bowed my head. It's over. I was doomed. If Soonyoung comes with me I'll die. 

"You want to follow the prince, am I right, Hansol?"

I widened my eyes quickly. "Shut up, Seokmin! It's not true at all!" I shouted at him and looked at Soonyoung who scoffed. "WHAT?"

"You're blushing, Sol."

I quickly covered my cheeks with my sleeves and turned away from them. "I'm not blushing."

Soonyoung scoffed. "So why are you turning your back on us?"

"I. AM. NOT. BLUSHING! OKAY!?" I turned back to those idiots, then I crossed my hands again. After a while of silence, I spoke. "Could we just go, please?"

"Oh, of course, why didn't you say it before?"


"Okay, let's go then," he answered a bit sadly. "Bye, Seok, see you soon. I hope..." he sighed with a smirk. "I hope he doesn't kill me somewhere in the forest," he laughed a bit. "Otherwise, nice to meet you, my friend."

I shook my head with a sigh. "I'm not going to kill you, Soonyoung... I promise."

His smile widened. "Ok, I trust you, Sol!"

He was as though a little child. He acted like this all the time. It was almost unbelievable that he was older than me.


Almost after an hour, we found them. The prince and his servant stood by the lake. I have never been there and I had to admit that the place was beautiful. Suddenly I felt free. Maybe a prince too. That's why he rode here. The place was seriously magical.

My thoughts forced me to think about him - about the prince. He was beautiful. I have lost in his eyes for a while. I have lost myself for a while. I wished I could be closer to him, but it wasn't possible, not yet.

I turned to Soonyoung who was sitting next to me and also watching them. "What is his servant's name?" I whispered.

"Mingyu, his name is Mingyu," he whispered back, still watching them.

"Oh, thanks."

The silence surrounded us again. After a couple of minutes, Soonyoung broke the silence with his a little bit stupid question. "Do you like him?"

My eyes widened. "Whom? The prince?"

He nodded. I wanted to say no, but I knew he wasn't blind. He knew I had feelings for their prince. He was so beautiful. I shook my head. Back in the 'reality'. "Yeah, I have feelings for him."

"I knew it," Soonyoung smiled. "You are not trying to cover it up at all," he added with a smirk. "You're blushing again."

I covered my face again. "Please, stop..."

"Okay, okay, just saying." he covers his mouth as he tried not to laugh. 

"If he finds us here, I'm sure he'll kill us both," I said with a sigh.

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