Chapter 27

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A few weeks passed. Soonyoung went out of the stables, looking around. Everyone was shouting, running around, and bumping into each other.

"He did it," Soonyoung whispered into the space. "He really did it!" He quickly ran towards Jeonghan's house to tell him the news.

"Jeonghan! He did it!" he shouted at the older who was sitting on his chair.

Jeonghan nodded. "Yeah, I know that, Soonyoungie. He finally fulfilled a part of his destiny."

Soonyoung nodded in response. "Yeah... But I thought he doesn't know about the second part of his destiny."

"Of course, he doesn't know about it. He will find out soon enough." Jeonghan smirked.


I was running away from the castle as fast as I could. I really did it. I couldn't even believe it. I killed the king! I had to stop because I couldn't breathe. I sat down by the stone wall. I felt exhausted.

"Congrats, Hansol."

"I flinched a bit and looked up at the person. Then I sighed in relief. It was just Minghao.

"Thank you, but I couldn't do it without you, Hao. You taught me a lot!"

He smiled and lifted me up. "Let's go! It's time to return to the town because you're our hero!"


When they all noticed us, they quickly approached us to congratulate me. I tried to smile, even though I was still thinking about the prince.

At the night, we went to the nearby pub to celebrate the death of the king. All here laughed and drunk, but my mind has been somewhere else. When they got drunk I tried to disappear. Fortunately, no one has noticed me. I went carefully toward the castle, but then I bumped into someone. I looked around and noticed someone sitting on the ground.

I made an apologetic face. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't notice you at all and-"

His voice has interrupted me. "Is that you, Hansol?"

I quickly covered my mouth when I realized that I bumped into a prince. I quickly took his hand and lifted him up on his feet. I bowed. "I'm sorry!" I blurted.

He began to laugh quietly. "Nothing has happened, Hansol." He took my hands into his. "Your hands... your hands are so soft..."


"I don't blame you for what you did. You did what you had to do." The prince gave me a small smile.

"I'm sorry, my prince..." I said almost inaudibly not able to look into his beautiful eyes.

"You don't have to apologize to me at all, Sol," he laughed a bit. "I have to admit something. I think you did a good thing. The kingdom is free only thanks to you."

Finally, I lifted up my head and looked into his eyes. "Do you mean in it for real?"

"Of course, I do."


"They're together!"

Minghao, Soonyoung, and Seokmin quickly approached Jeonghan who has shouted the news.

"Really!?" Seokmin shouted back at Jeonghan.

"May I look?"

Jeonghan laughed with a slight nod. "Of course, you can.

Minghao and Seokmin stepped aside. Soonyoung came closer to the crystal ball. "They're so cute together."

"He doesn't know his second part of this destiny yet, does he?" Seokmin asked.

Jeonghan shook his head. "No, not yet," he said. "But he'll find out soon enough," he added with a slight smile.

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