Chapter 2

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Someone knocked on the door. I walked opened it. As I did so, I noticed that Jisoo was standing in front of me with his big smile. I smiled too. "What are you doing here, Jisoo?"

Jisoo smirked. "I just wanted to see my friend, nothing more."

I sighed and closed the door behind him. We went to my room together and sat down on my bed.

"Is that the book?" Jisoo pointed to the book on the shelf.

I nodded. "Yeah, it is."

He took the book and put it on his lap. Jisoo opened the book slowly and then he gasped. "Isn't that you?"

I frowned. How I could be in the book? I looked on the page and gasped too. The person in the book was me. "I- I don't understand..."

"Me neither," Jisoo answered. "Did something happen yesterday?"

"What do you mean?"

"I know you don't believe in magic, but... Something happened and I wanna know what exactly happened!"

"I- I don't even know... I just laid on the bed and wanted to sleep, but... I think it was after midnight, I- I don't really know, but then everything happened. I appeared in the weird world..."

Jisoo frowned and looked at the book. "Hmm... Interesting, Is that all?"

"Oh! I forgot! I heard something, then I got up from my bed and the book opened... And then... I was in the book, I guess..."

"I see... It's really interesting. And maybe I envy you a little..." Jisoo said with a little smile.

"Do you even know what all this means?"

I shook my head. I really didn't know what all this means...

"Do you even believe in fairytales?" Jisoo asked nervously.

I shook my head again. It was true. I didn't believe in fairytales or magic. Nothing was real, after all.

"Oh... It's bad 'cause this book isn't just a book. I think this is a book full of magic and it's all real," Jisoo explained to me. "The book has empty pages. Did you notice? I think you are the main character of this book, Hansol. It's you who writes this story! How exciting!"

"It's nonsense!" I shouted at him.

"No... I know how hard it is for you to understand, but I think it's true..."

I sighed and shook my head. "No, that cannot be true..."

"But it is, Hansol. Today, after midnight, you will understand everything, I believe in magic and you should too," Jisoo said and got up from the bed and the book put on the shelf and with a little smile left my room.

I really don't understand. What's going on here? I've never believed in fairytales or magic and now... I have to believe in these things!? NO! I CAN'T!!!


I was alone at home in the evening and suddenly I was afraid to go to sleep. The book was on the shelf and looked really scary. It was after midnight and what I was afraid of had happened. The book opened itself and suddenly I appeared in the strange world inside of the book.

"Welcome back, Hansol. Do you believe in magic already?"

I closed my eyes and then I opened them. "I- I ain't sure.." I said quietly. "I can- I don't believe in the magical creatures... elves, fairies, werewolves, and others... They ain't real..."

"If you say so..." The person sighed and pointed to the weird thing. "What is that?" 

I frowned and turned in the same direction he was pointing at. "Is that eh... a fairy?"

"Yeah, it is," the person answered me with a smirk. "You are in the magical world, boy... There are things that you won't find in your human world."

"Maybe I can understand that."

"You should. You may not know it, but you belong here."

"Eh... Excuse me?"

"You belong here, Hansol..."


At this moment I woke up. 

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