Chapter 28

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A few days passed. I lived my life as before. I went back to my room and jumped onto my bed. Then I opened the book. I was smiling while reading that story. The kingdom has been finally free and the magic came back to the whole world. Even Soonyoung no longer had to fear living in that kingdom. The king was dead. I've fulfilled my destiny. I sighed in relief and put the book back on the nightstand.

When Jisoo found out, he was so happy. We went together to the nearby restaurant to celebrate my win. But today, I haven't seen him yet. He didn't respond to my messages either. I got worried about him, but still, I was sitting in my room, waiting for midnight to return to the story again.



The book has opened and then I appeared back at the stables where also have been Soonyoung and Seokmin. They greeted me with big smiles. I came closer to them and grinned. 

"How have you been, you two?"

"Fine," Soonyoung answered simply. "We are finally happy, only thanks to you. This kingdom is free and all people living here don't have to be scared anymore."

"Soonyoung's right, Hansol. You've saved us! You're our hero!" Seokmim said enthusiastically.

"Okay, okay! Now, please, stop!" I said with a laugh.

After a few minutes, we decided to go through the city together. We stopped by the house for a moment. Then Soonyoung came back to us and we could continue on our walk.

"Wow! It's really amazing city."

"I'm glad you like it," Seokmin answered shortly.

For a moment, my mind froze. Something's wrong, right? Seokmin began to act differently than before. I carefully looked at Soonyoung, but he looked the same. I turned back to Seokmin.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see soon," he answered shortly, still looking forward.

After a while, we reached our destination. I could see many people standing around. What's going on here? Then I quickly looked around to find out that Seokmin and Soonyoung were gone. They left me here all alone!

Someone tapped my shoulder gently. With a light flinch, I turned around to see the prince who gave me one of his beautiful smiles. 

"Are you lost?"

I nodded and tried to make a slight smile.

"Let's go then," he said simply, grabbing my hand into his, and leading me away from there. 

I looked at our connected hands, but I didn't say anything. "Where are we going?"

He giggled, walking forward. "We are here, Sol. Just look around."

I looked around and lost all words. It was the most beautiful place I have ever seen.

"This is my favorite place. I'm coming here when I want to be alone."

"So... Why am I here?"

He giggled and gave me a light kiss on my cheek and then quickly ran to the nearest bench.

I touch my cheek slowly and looked in his direction. Did he really do it?

He chuckled and tapped on the place next to him. "Come here, Sol!"

I laughed and came to him to spend the most beautiful time with the most beautiful person.

After Midnight | VerKwan ✓Where stories live. Discover now