Chapter 13

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Hi, Jisoo...
I hope you're doing great.
I just- I just wanted to tell you that I didn't mean it that way.
Please, answer me. I need you.

I put my mobile back in his place with a sigh. I lay down on my bed heavily. I stared at the ceiling. I wanted Jisoo to answer me. I sighed once again and looked at the clock on the wall.

The midnight was getting closer. Please... I don't want to go back to the book, not yet. Please... He'll come, I know it! He'll come!


I bowed my head. I was ready to go to the book when something suddenly happened. The door quickly opened and Jisoo ran over to me. He sat down beside me on the bed and hugged me. 

The book opened after a moment. I closed my eyes. One tear ran down my cheek. I widened my face. I was happy now.

"I'll wait for you, Hansol..."

I appeared in front of the gate again. I was alone here. I took a breath and walked into the city. Chan was right. Nobody was smiling. The city was really sad. Nobody looked at me. After a while, walking through the city I noticed one boy who was standing by the wall, just looking around lazily. I looked around and walked towards him.

He turned at me slowly and then spoke. "Who are you? I had never seen you before."

"I- I'm Hansol and-"

The boy's eyes widened. Then he pushed me against the wall and quickly was looking around. "Are you saying the truth!?" He yelled at me quietly. "Answer me! Are you saying the truth!?"

"I- I promise. I'm really Hansol I-"

"Shut up!" we crouched down quickly behind the barrels because someone was coming. "Don't say anything! I'm warning you!" he hissed.

I nodded and waited as he said. We almost didn't breathe. The man was standing right in front of us. I gulped, hoping he was leaving soon. The man looked around many times and then simply left. I sighed in relief. When we made sure he was really gone we stood up.

"Who are you?" I asked him curiously.

"My name isn't important, now you must go with me!" he answered quickly, glaring at me.

"Why?" I don't even know you. How can I trust you?"

"I didn't throw you at the guard's feet," he said with a smirk.

I sighed. He had a point. "Okay..."

We walked through the square. The boy gave me a coat. He told me to put it on and put on my hood. I noticed some posters. There was my face on each of them. I gulped. I really knew nothing about this kingdom. I don't how, but everyone here knew who I was.

"Where are we going?" I asked him after a couple of minutes. He said nothing, just kept walking. Odd. Something was wrong. I felt it. "Hey!" I whispered angrily. "Where are we going!?"

"You'll see," he whispered back.


Really? He couldn't be serious, could be? "Why are we here?"

Again. He just walked inside. I followed him with a sigh. Then, finally, he turned to me with a serious face. "No one will be looking for you here, Hansol."

"Hansol!?" I jerked as I turned to an unknown person who was suddenly appeared.

The boy in front of me just smiled at the person who walked over to us quickly.

"You two know each other?" I asked uncertainly looking at them in shock.

"Of course," the unknown boy said and stood beside the other. "He's my best friend."

The other nodded with a grin. "Yeah, he's the one who can help you."

I frowned. "What do you mean?"

The boy who brought me here laughed. "It's simple. He's working for the king."

After Midnight | VerKwan ✓Where stories live. Discover now