Chapter 6

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I was looking around. The place was strange. The building looked old. Then the door opened. I didn't know what to do. Should I go inside? I took a breath and went inside after a while.

"Anyone here!?"


I looked around. I went to the first room. It had to be a living room. Everything looked really old. Suddenly I heard some sounds. I flinched with myself a little. I quickly turned around, but no one was there. Again, I heard the same sound. It sounded as someone was walking around me. But again. No one was there.


I turned back to the door. I swear the sound came from the door. Then the door slammed loudly. I flinched. What happened right now?


The same voice. It was the same voice as before. I quickly turned around me. Again. No one was there. What's happening!?

Now it's your turn, Hansol.

"What? I don't get it."

You'll find out soon enough, Hansol. And... Try not to die.

"WHAT!?" Then I got everything. I felt that everything was looking at me right now. It was a terrible feeling. Someone got here with me. It's going to be bad. Really bad. I thought.

Something flew around my head. I looked at the thing behind me and gasped loudly. A knife. It was a knife! I couldn't believe it. I wondered if it was all just a game or was it all real.

You have to survive, Hansol. Death isn't your destiny.

Damn. I know! But I don't know how to survive. I want to go back to my room. Right now!


I sat up on my bed. I was sweaty. I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what happened in the book, but I knew one thing now. I don't want to go back. Never.

Can you come, please?

Something happened, Hansol?
You okay?

No... I'm not okay at all...

I'll be with you in a moment!

Thank you, Jisoo

Jisoo entered my room and looked at me sitting on my bed. He surely noticed that I was sweaty. He went to me and sat down beside me on the bed. "You okay, Hansol? What happened?"

"I- I'm sorry for bothering you, Jisoo. You're always so kind. You always took care of me and I got used to it. I almost completely forgot that you too can have problems. I've always only taken care of myself.

Jisoo smiled. "It's really okay, Hansol. Don't worry about me. Now tell me what happened."

I handed him the book. He carefully opened the book and began to read. Then he looked back at me. 

"I don't wanna go back to the book, Jisoo..." I said with a quiet voice and bowed my head.

He sighed. "I know, Hansol... I know. But you have no choice. You have to go back and find the end of the book. Good or bad ending.

"It will be a bad ending 'cause I'm going to die!"

"You have to calm down, Hansol. Please..." Jisoo smiled sadly. "You must go back. I don't mean it wrong, but you have no choice. You have to."

I sighed. "But I'm scared, Jisoo. I can't do it."

"You can do it. I believe you, Hansol. Today, after midnight, I'll be here with the book while you're inside. I will be waiting for you."

"You can watch me, right?"

"Not exactly, I can only read what happens at that moment, you write the book, Hansol," Jisoo explained. "I promise, I'll be here all the time."

"Thank you, Jisoo."

After Midnight | VerKwan ✓Where stories live. Discover now