Chapter 21

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"Who are you?"

I froze at the place for a while and gulped. I shut my eyes tightly.

"Please, turn to me."

His voice. I couldn't help, but once I heard his voice I was falling for him suddenly. However, I was in a little bad situation now and... I had no idea what to do.

"Turn to me!" he called out. "I'm your prince and you must obey me!"

I slightly smiled, still standing with my back to him. He's acted like a child. However, he was too cute and he was right - he was still a prince here. Even though he's acted like a child and has looked like a child, he's still been older than me.

I deeply sighed and turned to him.



How did it happen? I'll tell you that. Everything began when I appeared in the book as every night before. Everything had looked as always. I'd been with Soonyoung and Seokmin at the stables. I had learned how to use the magic wand. Yeah, I didn't know how to use this thing at all.

However, nothing had looked like it had seemed at first sight. Something had happened. Something not good at all. Prince's servant had seen me. Soonyoung had quickly run behind him, but I knew everything had been lost.

I'd run off the stables. I'd needed to hide. However, nothing went according to the plan. I'd been lost.

The story couldn't end up like this. No, there had to be a hidden way to save my own life. I'd knew it!

It's too late...

"Who are you?"


And now you know how did it exactly happen.


I said nothing. I was just standing in front of a prince and waiting for a punishment. He has been the future king of the kingdom and I've been just the one who was not welcomed here. I've been the one who was accused of magic.

"What's your name?" he asked all of a sudden.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What th- Why did he even ask me my name? "Hansol," I answered almost inaudibly. "Why?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, just asking you," he answered with a small smirk. "My name is Seungkwan, prince Seungkwan."

He has sounded as though a child again. I couldn't help myself, but I needed to make a slight smile. However, I've been the one here who has had to be punished for using magic. Why me? Why the hell me? Why should I be a hero?

I was just standing in front of him in silence, waiting for what he will be going to do.

"Why are you like this?" he asked all of a sudden with a small smile. "I'm not the same as my father. I'm different than him and I can prove it," he said. "Everyone thinks I'm like him, only because one day I will be a king. However, it's not true at all."

I raised my eyebrow. "Honestly, I didn't expect it. I thought you'll be like your father, but it's not true that everyone thinks you're the same as your father. On the contrary, everyone was telling me you're different, you're kind, and so on."

I noticed that the prince made a small smile on his cute face. He was beautiful. I slapped myself in my mind for those thoughts, trying to look a bit normally. Though I couldn't help myself at all. I was falling for him so hard.

"Thank you."

I frowned. "For what?"

He shrugged. "That I could talk with you, Hansol."

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