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"How do you like it?" Dream asked, turning around with a hopeful, desperate look in his eye. He needed to be told the mansion was nice and she loved it as she loved him and he was a good son. He needed that validation.

"Your home is lovely... but... it's so... monochrome. I'd expect some less... black. How long have you lived here?" Nim side eyed every all-black piece of furniture around her in the hallway.

"Oh, well, it is Nightmare's mansion, but the Stars and I moved in pretty recently. We didn't want to interrupt the flow and aesthetic of Nightmare's home, since he's been so generous to let us stay!"

Nightmare rolled his eyes. Dream was over exaggerating it, and he knew what he was doing. He just wanted their mom to like them both, and he couldn't help but paint him in a better light.

"Lovely." Nim's smile tightened. "Maybe we could put some plants in here. Liven the place up a little!"

"Yeah, no," the moon god budded in, his eyes narrowing at her. "We like our home the way it is, and you can't just barge in here and try to change it."

Nim's eyebrows furrowed. "I'm just saying, Dream shouldn't be living in such a dreadful place. Neither should you. You're apples, you need sun!"

"And we have windows! And balconies! We can even easily access the roof! We can get enough sun with the bare minimum!" Nightmare growled. "You're just coming up here with a tree branch in your—"

"Nightmare!" Dream yelled. "Don't disrespect your mother like this! You're being too rude!"

"She isn't my mother!" the dark brother growled back. "She's a selfish, no good deadbeat that decided that she could just walk in here and judge my men and my mansion! She doesn't even live anywhere! For the last few thousands of years, she was dead! And maybe she should've stayed dead!"

Nim looked upset, her eyebrows furrowing upward sadly. She looked pathetic, and it was all an act. A sad face. Her opal eyes reflected nothing but malice, but his brother couldn't see that deeply.

"What is wrong with you?!" Dream screamed. The pure rage and volume in his voice left his twin silent. "Our mother comes to us after thousands of years of never seeing her because you killed her! And now that she comes in, she says one wrong thing and you blow up at her! You've never liked her! And now you want everyone else to hate her too, because misery loves company!" Tears filled his eyes, but he didn't relent just yet. "This is the first time in centuries that I've seen my mother! I've forgotten her details! I've forgotten her voice! All because of you! And now that I get this again, now that I get to see my mother, you want to ruin it! You want to ruin my only chance to have a mom!"

Nightmare stood there, surprised by his brother's anger. He watched as he fumed, pissed in a way he'd never been before. Yet in his almond shaped eyes was surprise. Utter surprise.

He'd never seen Dream so upset.

"D-Dream..." the moon god reached out to try to comfort him.

"You're not my mother," the dimmed sunshine snapped, shooting a fiery glare at his brother. "Just... leave me alone."

Nightmare was hurt, but his brother chose his hill. "Fine," he spat back before storming off, hoping his own rage would cover up the pain.

"Daydream..." Nim gently reached out, rubbing her son's shoulder. "Maybe you were too hard on him. I know this has been difficult on him. I... I wasn't a good mother to you before. I just want to be a good mom now."

"I just... I-I missed you!" Dream turned around, hugging his mother. "I missed you so much!"

Nim grimaced, disgusted by her son's disgusting behavior. Still, she pat his back and pet his head. She would need to wash this dress, since he was getting all of his horrid tears all over it. "It... it'll be okay."

"I just wanted a mom..."

"I know. I'm here now."

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