2- Friday Part 1

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Noah sat down at his regular lunch table with his friends. Izzy and Owen were playing with food, Eva was eating like a normal person, and Cody was drumming his fingers on the table.

"Hey, Gap." Noah greeted. He thought he saw a faint blush on the short boy's face, but shook away that crazy thought.

"Did you do the history homework?" Owen asked the table. Everyone shook their head except Noah. His friends looked at him expectantly. He rolled his eyes and pulled out the homework for everyone to copy.

"Thanks, Noah!" Cody said, Noah blushed at this. The truth was, Noah had a crush on Cody for years, but those feelings would never be reciprocated. Noah continued to eat and chat with his friends when Geoff walked up. Seeing as it was a Friday, Noah knew what it was about.

"Hey, dudes! Party at my place tomorrow, see you guys there." Noah rolled his eyes as the teen left to go kiss his girlfriend.

"Are you guys going?" Cody asked.

"Hell yeah!" Owen responded.

"Eva and I are coming!" Izzy responded, Eva shrugged in response.

"Noah?" Cody asked.


"Whyy?" Cody whined.

"Have you met me?"

"Please come, I don't want to be alone with Sierra." Noah thought about the boy's begging.


"Yay!" The table cheered.
Heather looked back at the cheering table. Must've gotten Noah to go to the party she thought.

"Heather, you coming tomorrow?" Courtney asked.

"Duh. Can't have a party without the life of the party." Courtney giggled at Heather's statement.

"Is you-know-who coming?" Heather asked, wiggling her eyebrows and eyeing the goth girl sitting at another table. Courtney blushed.

"I don't know."

"You should ask her." Heather suggested.

"What? No!"

"Fine, I'll do it." She said, getting up and walking to the table despite Courtney's groans.

"What, Heather?" Gwen said and rolled her eyes when the girl came up to them. Heather and Gwen's rivalry settled down slightly since freshman year, but they still didn't like each other.

"Are you guys coming to Geoff's party tomorrow?" Heather asked.

"Probably." Gwen replied. LeShawana nodded.

"Sure." Harold said.

"Yeah, I'll go." Justin said. Trent's eyes widened slightly.

"I'm coming!" He said.

"Okay, see you guys there." With that, Heather turned and left, reporting the information to her best friend.
The students who worked on the newspaper sat in the small room while deciding what that week's big story would be.

"What about Chris and Chef?" Heather suggested.

"What?" Gwen questioned at the seemingly absurd topic.

"... you guys haven't noticed the loving stares and the fact that they walk into school together every morning?" Ezekiel asked the group. Heather nodded.

"Mike, Sammy, Dawn, c'mon." Kitty said, getting up and grabbing her notebook and camera.

"Where are we going?" Sammy asked.

"To get a story. Seniors, you keep brainstorming." Kitty replied. They left.

"Good thing she's taking over next year." Heather said to nobody in particular. The group nodded. "On Monday we can report on Geoff's party. Also, homecoming is coming up. "

"Okay." Trent said, writing it down. Zeke looked at his watch.

"Oh, I have to go." He said, getting up and putting his things away.

"Cheerleaders getting out soon?" Gwen asked. Ezekiel smirked and nodded. The rest of them chuckled lightly and got back to work.

"We'll report on the football team's game that's happening after school tonight." Trent said.

They nodded and waited for the younger students to get back...

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