17- Monday

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Noah kept his head down as he walked into school, his phone was buzzing in his pocket but he didn't look at it. It was probably the same message he was getting all weekend from his friends.

"Noah!!!!!!" A very energetic girl came running at him, nearly colliding before her girlfriend grabbed her quickly. Noah rolled his eyes, he knew what she was going to say. "So you two almost kissed? Why didn't you? Did you chicken out? You should go find him. He definitely wants to kiss you. I'll ask Sierra where he is."

"Not now, Iz." He said and kept walking to his locker. When the three of them got there, he pulled them into an empty classroom beside him. Once the door was closed, Team E-Scope (which they've been calling themselves since Izzy forced them to in freshman year) stood near an empty desk in the front of the room. "Fine, we almost kissed."

Izzy squealed and Noah could've sworn she turned into Katie/Sadie for a moment. "I KNEW IT! Are you two dating now? Are you gonna get married? Can I be the maid of honor?"

He was getting flashbacks to freshman year kissed Cody during truth or dare. "You kissed a guy?" Was the top question for a full day, and Izzy always responded with "he totally kissed a guy."

"Iz, let him talk." Eva cut off her girlfriend's endless questions.

Noah sighed. "We were dancing, then the song ended and we both just jumped apart, then I left cause I didn't know what to do."

Izzy took a few deep breaths, most likely to stop herself from screaming her next words. "Are you gonna talk to him about it? I think you should just run up to him and kiss him! That's what I did and look at me and Eva!"

Noah shook his head. "No, I'm not gonna kiss him, or even acknowledge the almost-kiss for that matter, and I'm definitely not asking him out." He stopped his friends before they could question him. "What if he doesn't like me, then we're in a super awkward situation forever. And even if he does say yes, what if he decides later on he doesn't like me and breaks up with me, then we're in a super awkward situation forever. What if he likes me, but Sierra finds out and goes all crazy stalker on me, then I'm in a super dead situation!" He threw his arms up in defeat. The others were about to protest, but the bell rang for homeroom. Noah gave a half-hearted goodbye and left the room quietly.

Heather walked alongside Courtney and Gwen, not listening to anything they said. She kept replaying what happened of Friday night over and over again, like she had all weekend. She looked up for a second and there he was, talking with one of his friends. She quickly grabbed Courtney's arm and pulled her into an empty classroom.

"Wha-" Courtney was cut off by Heather's hand being thrown over her mouth. Heather's eyes began to gloss over and well up with tears, just like they had l weekend. She sat down in an empty desk and Courtney sat right next to her. Gwen took the message and left the room quietly. "What's wrong, Heath?"

"I don't know, Courtney! I don't know anything!" She was crying now. "I just- " the bell rang before she could speak her true thoughts. Heather quickly wiped her tears, fixed her makeup, and left the room. Heather ignored her friend following her, telling Courtney to just go to class.

She sped to her locker, quickly opening the door and pulling out her books.

"Hey, Heather." She sighed, instantly recognizing the voice. Heather turned to face the boy on her mind. "I know you don't want to see me right now, but I just want you to know I'm backing off."


"You have made it painfully clear that you don't want me. I shouldn't have kissed you on Friday, and I'm sorry. I'll leave you alone from now on." He was looking down the whole time.

"Uh thanks..." her mind wasn't functioning. He looked up at her.

"Wait, have you been crying? Your eyes are red, what's wrong?" She panicked slightly, but the late bell saved her.

"I'm high!" She lied frantically, she shut her locker. "Gotta go!" And she was on her way to first period, mentally cursing herself out.

Trent smiled, things were finally back to normal; no more worrying about homecoming, he was back to being best friends with Justin without being awkward, the Drama Brothers already had a gig for the next weekend. Everything was perfect.

"Hey, Justin!" He walked up to his friend excitedly. Trent noticed Justin's anxiousness. "What's wrong?"

"Oh uh nothing. Just thinking." He gave a weak smile to Trent. "Uh, I have a new song I wanna play at our coffee shop gig on Saturday, is it okay if I send you the sheet music for it, can you look it over?"

Trent nodded, "of course, man! Just send it to us guys and we'll back you up while you sing it." Before Trent could sit down, Justin got a notification on his phone and left the room suddenly, excusing himself to the bathroom. Trent pulled out his phone to text a friend.

Trent: hey do u know why justins acting weird af?

Gwen: what do u mean?

Trent: idk he wants the Drama Bros to play a new song he wrote, but he won't text me the lyrics just the notes. And he got a text and like sprinted out of the room

Gwen: hmm

Gwen: maybe he's gonna confess his love for u

Trent: lol funny joke

Gwen: im serious

Trent: mhm gtg

He sighed and put down his phone.

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