1- Thursday

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Gwen walked down the hall with Trent and her camera. She turned a corner and knocked on the door.

"Hey, Dwayne." Gwen greeted.

"Hiya, kiddos." Dwayne responded. He had insisted that the kids call him by his first name in order to stay 'cool and hip'. "Taking pictures of robotics club?" He asked. The students nodded and were invited in. Gwen and Trent walked around the room, but couldn't find anything interesting.

"Stop, Harold, we have to fix the base so it can stand." Noah told the nerd, who was working on a robot's arms. Gwen took a quick picture of Noah working on the base. Noah quickly turned his head after seeing the camera flash. "Delete it." He ordered with a death glare.

"Nope." Gwen responded

"Son of a..." Noah mumbled. Gwen rolled her eyes. He continued his work.

Gwen walked over to see Kitty and Cameron doing some coding.

"Smile." Gwen said. The two turned around and smiled while they gave a thumbs up to the camera. The camera flashed and they giggled. The goth kept walking around, but decided there wasn't anything left to photograph.
Ezekiel and Mike walked on to the field and saw the cheerleaders. Ezekiel had a notebook page full of questions to ask them, and Mike brought the camera in order to take pictures for the paper.

"...she'll screw it up!" Ezekiel overheard Amy shout. Zeke and Mike stopped walking in order to keep their distance from the fight, but Ezekiel was writing down every word that he heard.

"It's better for Sammy to be the second to the top on the pyramid." Explained Heather.

"No! I'm better than her, so I should be higher!" Amy argued and fussed.

"Oh my god, shut up. We don't like you, you're on the bottom, deal with it." Heather told her.

"But-" the brat started.

"Deal. With. It." Heather cut her off. Anne Maria rolled her eyes, Izzy jumped around, Kitty was talking to some of the others, and Lindsey was looking at a butterfly. Amy huffed as the boys approached them.

"Hey, guys!" Mike greeted.

"Hey, Anne Maria..." Ezekiel greeted, wiggling his eyebrows. Anne Maria rolled her eyes at his gesture.

Ezekiel and Anne Maria sat on the benches while he asked her questions. Mike took pictures of the other cheerleaders.

"Alright, last one." Zeke started, " would you ever date me?" He asked in a flirtatious voice. Anne Maria laughed.

"Be serious."

"Fine. What's your favorite part about being on the team?"

"I guess the teamwork or some cliche answer like that." She said, looking at her nails. Ezekiel laughed and wrote it down. He and Mike walked back to the classroom.

Trent, Gwen, Noah, and Eva were sitting on the bleachers and watching the track team. Gwen took pictures of the team, Noah was there to make sarcastic comments while Izzy finished practice, Eva was watching Izzy, and Trent was watching Justin. Justin ran another lap around the track, waving to Trent as he passed. Trent blushed and waved back.

"Why haven't you asked him out yet?" Gwen asked him.

"What? I d-don't like Justin." The musician lied.

"Sure." Noah replied sarcastically, not looking up from his book. Trent groaned and leaned back on the bleachers.

"You can admit it, we're all at least a little gay here." Gwen reassured him.

"Fine. I like him, but don't say anything to him." Trent said. "He probably doesn't like me." Trent looked at his shoes. The runners finished their laps. Justin walked up and sat by Trent, Izzy sat next to Eva and Noah.

"Hey, Trent!" Justin greeted.

"H-hey!" Trent stuttered. Noah and Gwen shared a glance and rolled their eyes.

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