34- Tuesday pt2

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Courtney let out a long sigh before she began. "Bridgette, this is an intervention."

"I can't believe you told them!" Bridgette groaned. Gwen rolled her eyes at her.

"Bridge," Heather started, "you have a problem! You and Geoff can not be sneaking around, making out in his car."

"Why not?" Bridgette crossed her arms over her chest. "We're just having fun, it's nothing serious."

Gwen held the bridge of her nose, "It's always serious. No matter how hard you try, you and Geoff will get back together, and then you'll fight, and you'll break up. The cycle has been repeating since freshman year! The only way to stop it is to break up for real this time."

Bridgette looked at her sneakers for a moment. "You're right. We should stop," the girls cheered silently. "It's just... We've been on and off so long, I don't really know who I am without Geoff."

Courtney put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's senior year, it's the perfect time for you to find out. And we'll be here while you figure it out, we promise."

They all joined in a group hug.

Mom: Having a great time in Brazil, won't be home until 30th

Cody: You won't be home for Christmas?

Mom: No, we're gonna stay an extra week. Sent you money for groceries. Love you!

Cody set down his phone and let down a long sigh. He flopped down on his couch and blinked away the tears in his eyes, grabbing the remote to turn on a show to get his mind off of his parents.

Knock Knock Knock

He sighed and begrudgingly walked to the front door.

Noah stood in front of him, holding a bag of something, wearing an awkward expression on his face.

"Hey, Noah, it's not like a super great time right now," he told him. He wanted to be around Noah, he always wanted to be around Noah, but Cody didn't want him to know about how his parents abandoned him for Christmas.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Cody knew Noah did really like talking about feelings, and he usually didn't care about other people's. Cody shook his head. "Uh well, I just came by for... it'll only take a minute, can I come in?"

Cody sighed and opened the door wider for Noah to walk in. He stood near the coffee table as Cody took a seat on the couch.

"What's up?" Cody asked. It wasn't like Noah to be so... awkward. Whenever he and Cody hung out, he could barely make it a full minute without saying something sarcastic.

Noah was about to say something, but was cut off by Cody's phone vibrating on the table. It was probably his parents calling to give him a half-assed apology. He pressed the red button on his phone and placed it face-down on the table again. He looked up at Noah expectantly.

"So I was talking to Owen yesterday and–"


Cody rolled his eyes and hit the red button again. He barely set the phone back down when it buzzed again.

"Are you gonna get that?" Noah asked in a mildly sparky tone.

Cody rolled his eyes, "It's just my parents, I don't need to answer it."

Noah looked down at the still-buzzing phone. "You know what, I'll just go, you're busy."

Cody stood up and reached for Noah's arm, "Don't go, my parents are just being... shitty right now. What did you want to talk about?"

Noah shook his head, "It's fine, my mom needs me to go home and help with dinner, I'll just text you later."

Cody fell back on the couch with a little hmph. "Sure, just go back to your perfect family," he whispered.

Noah narrowed his eyes, "What does that mean?"

"Nothing, nothing at all..." Cody sighed and looked anywhere the other boy.

"No, Cody, why are you acting like my life is so much better than yours all of a sudden? What even is your problem right now?"

Cody knew he was being unfair, he knew Noah had his own problems. But part of him knew Noah would abandon him just like his parents, so why not push him away first?

"My problem is that you always act like I'm not going through shit. Yeah, I have money, but that doesn't mean my life is perfect. It's not like you care, though."

Noah rolled his eyes, "when have I ever said I don't care? Just cause I have my own shit going on doesn't mean I'm this big asshole you're making me out to be."

Cody stood up, "You've been acting acting weird for weeks!"

Noah frowned and remained silent for a second. "You know what, I don't need to deal with this. I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow."

The door slammed shut and Cody let warm tears fall down his face.

He looked over at the bag Noah left on the floor next to the coffee table. He kicked it gently with his foot, some of Cody's favorite candies and.... a small rose.

Wonder why he brought that.

A/N I'm sorry for like never updating, but I'm trying and my cat died on Christmas and I'm like a little burnt out rn. I am listening to your suggestions tho, so keep telling me what you want!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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