16- Friday Pt2

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Justin looked at the bathroom door and back to Trent. "What's taking them so long?"

"Who knows." The other teen didn't stop scrolling through his phone.

Justin stood up, "I'm gonna check on them."

"Dude, you can't just go in there!" Trent protested, standing up and following him.

"Chill, I'm just gonna open the door." Before he could be stopped, Justin opened the door just a small bit, only enough to see his date making out with Trent's. "Oh."

He closed the door and turned to Trent. "Well I guess that's the end of that." One look at Trent and Justin couldn't stop laughing. Trent sent him a look, "Dude."

"I'm sorry, I really am. But this is so fucking funny. I mean we're both super hot, me more than you but that isn't important right now," he mumbled that last part, but Trent still heard him, "and our homecoming dates are making out in the bathroom." Trent chuckled.

"You are kinda right." Trent looked back, Justin followed his gaze, toward the dance floor where Harold and LeShawna were dancing terribly, Cody was 'showing off' his moves to Noah, and Gwen was dancing with Courtney. "Wanna dance?"

Two very simple words made Justin's heart stop and pick up pace simultaneously. He simply regained his composure and nodded.

Smooth he thought.

Heather crossed another street, only one block and she'd be home. She took her shoes off five minutes after she started her long walk home. She probably should've asked for a ride, but she didn't want to ruin her friends' fun. She notices a car's headlights glowing behind her and decides to walk down the dark sidewalk faster.

The car pulled up beside her, the passenger's side window rolled down. Heather quickly sent her location to her friends, and tightened her grip on her heel for a weapon.

"Heather?" She instantly lowers her heel and her slightly scared expression is replaced with an agitated one.

"What the hell are you doing? You thought it would be a good idea to sneak up on me and scare the shit out of me?!"

He ignored her, "Why are you walking this late at night? Do you need a ride." She didn't want to accept the invitation, being in Alejandro's car alone with him wouldn't lead anywhere good. She looked at the street ahead of her, then down at her aching feet, then at her phone: 9:47 P.M

She sighed and opened the door to the car. She didn't see, because she was looking out the window, but she knew he was giving her his signature grin. "Just take me home." She spared a glance and saw him nod before stepping on the gas. Roughly two minutes later they pulled up to her house. Without saying anything, she opened the door and stepped out.

"Wait," he opened his own door and followed her to the door. "What's wrong, Heather?" She stopped and turned just in front of her door.

'What's wrong?" She repeated his question. "You are what's wrong! Why can't you just stay the fuck away from me. Can't you see I don't want you here? That I'm not the same around you? Why are you so oblivious to the fact that I can't handle being around you? I get confused, I can't think straight, my heart speeds up, I get mad, I fall in love just a little more every time I'm around you, so just stay the hell away!" Tears pooled in her eyes as he stared at her, shocked.

"You love me?"

"What? No, of course not!" Her defensive tone told him everything. He took a few steps closer until they were inches away. They both leaned in slowly until their lips met in a soft kiss. Heather felt fireworks as her whole face heated. They pulled away after what felt like years. Heather's heart stopped for a second with the realization of what just happened. "Shit." She quickly opened her front door and stepped inside.

"Wait, Heather–" the door closed, cutting him off.

Cody looked up when the dj said the last thing he wanted to hear, "This is the last song of the night, so grab that special someone and come dance!" A slow song started and Cody looked around at the couples standing up.

Next to him, Izzy eagerly grabbed Eva's hand and ran to the dance floor. He saw Trent say something to Justin casually before the two of them walked to the center of the gym hand-in-hand. Gwen and Courtney joined the group, along with Harold and LeShawna, Kitty and Sammy, and Emma and Jen. Soon, he was the only one sitting. Apart from Noah, who was on his phone next to Cody. Cody let out a sigh and looked at the ground. He heard shuffling next to him.

"Alright, c'mon." He looked up to see Noah holding out his hand.

"What?" The gap-toothed boy asked.

"Let's dance," he shook his hand slightly. Cody took it gently and Noah pulled him up. While they danced, Cody couldn't help but smile.

"Thank you for coming with us tonight. This has been super fun." Cody felt his head moving forward, closer to Noah's. Noah's eyes fluttered closed and the boys were inches apart.

"Goodnight, students, and have a good weekend!" The boys jump back as the lights flick back on and the gym lights blinding them for a moment. Everyone starts flooding out of the gym, including Noah.

Cody is almost tackled by a laughing Gwen, but when she sees his face she stops laughing, "What's wrong?"

"Uh Noah and I almost kissed."

"You WHAT?!" He quickly put a finger up to her to silence her shouting.

"I don't wanna talk about it, I'll text you later." She nodded and went back to Courtney.

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