15- Friday Pt1

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Courtney and Gwen walked into the gym hand-in-hand. The gym was decorated with lights and flowers, and Courtney couldn't help but smile. She somewhat dragged Gwen behind her as she ran towards the table her friends were at. Heather was staring down at her drink, Bridgette was taking pictures for instagram, and Lindsey and Tyler were being all #couplegoals.

"Heather, what's wrong?" Courtney asked her. Heather shook her head slightly, but Courtney gave her a reassuring nod.

"I fucked up, Court. After telling him to fuck off so many times I didn't think he'd actually do it!" She took a sip of her drink. "I understand, though, why he would want to be with anyone but me right now. That's probably why he didn't even come tonight."

Courtney put her hand on the taller girl's shoulder. "Heather, just take a deep breath. Tonight is gonna be awesome, just forget about him and enjoy yourself."

"No, I think I'm just gonna go home." Heather began to stand up.

"Wait, but I drove you here." Bridgette commented from her seat beside them.

Heather waved her off, "My house is like a fifteen minute walk from here, I'm fine. Love you guys, have fun." They gave her a quick goodbye and she was gone.

Kitty walked into the brightly decorated gym. Loud pop music filled her ears and she grabbed Sammy's hand, dragging her to the dance floor. They rarely stopped dancing. Sometimes they danced with Emma and Jen, or Jasmine, or sometimes just themselves.

During some random song neither of the girls knew, Kitty took Sammy's hand and twirled her around.

She noticed Sammy's expression change a little bit. "I love you."

Kitty smiled, "I love you too, Sammy! I'm so glad you're my best friend." Kitty noticed Sammy's smile falter, but the blonde just nodded and kept dancing.

Noah stepped into the gym a few steps behind his very excited friends.

"Noah, isn't this awesome?!" Cody asked over the loud music.

"I think I'm going blind from these colors." He deadpanned, but couldn't help the smile on his face. Cody nudged his shoulder before running over to Gwen and Courtney. Noah hung around the entrance, not knowing what to do with himself.

"Just ask him to dance." Eva said when she came up to him, following his gaze to the gap-toothed boy across the gym.


"Cody, dipshit! Who else?" Noah rolled his eyes, about to protest when Izzy came running up to them.

"Team E-Scope! We should all go dance, c'mon!" She reached out to take both their hands.

Noah pulled his hand back, "I'm good." The face Izzy made was enough to change his mind, that and the threats she started making, slowly he reached out his hand so she could take it. Eva and Noah were dragged into the middle of the gym just as "I Want it That Way" by Backstreet Boys came on. They made up dance moves, making sure to act as much like a boy band as possible.

Owen and Cody walked up to them, laughing and holding up their phone flashlights for them. Noah pointed at Cody every now and then during random parts, like how Izzy was doing to Eva.

Katie and Justin sat across from their friends awkwardly. Trent and Justin avoided eye contact, but for some reason Katie couldn't stop catching Sadie's gaze. "I'm going to the bathroom, be right back." Katie said. When she stood, she accidentally bumped the table and Sadie's drink fell right into her lap. "Oh my gosh, Sadie, I'm so sorry! Let me help!" She picked up some napkins, but the girl just stood up and put a hand up.

"No. I'll just go fix this in the bathroom." She turned to the restroom and Katie followed her, apologizing with every step she took. "Can you just shut up?!"

Katie stopped talking, her mouth hanging open slightly.

The other girl kept speaking. "Why are you dead set on ruining this night for me?! You ruin my dress, you don't even talk to me at our table, and you went with Justin!"

"What? I thought you wanted me to go with Justin!" Both had their voices raised.

Sadie to a quick glance to make sure all stalls were empty before she continued with this fight. "I didn't, I said you should go with someone. I don't know why you decided to drag him into this when you don't even like him!"

"You don't like Trent and you're here with him!"

"And who's fault is that?!"

"You told me to go with someone so I did!"

"I was talking about me!" Sadie's hand flew over her mouth and Katie went silent.

"Oh." Was all she could say. Sadie attempted to pass her and leave the bathroom, but Katie grabbed her arm. "You should've told me."

"Well, I'm sorry but you know rejection isn't something I handle lightly." The anger in her voice was laced with hurt.

"You should've told me so we could've skipped all this and enjoy homecoming together." Before the other could question her, Katie leaned in and kissed her best friend.

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