3- Friday Part 2

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A/N: this chapter is the start of my severely hating on Geoff. I know people like him, but I decided to make him a really shitty person for absolutely no reason, so be warned.

Bridgette walked over to Alejandro, who was drinking water on the bleachers. He just finished running laps for the track team, so the blonde thought it'd be the perfect time to share some news.

"Hello, Bridgette." He greeted before taking another sip of water.

"Hey, Alejandro, the volunteering club  wanted me to tell you that we are able to help raise money for new shoes for the team!"

"That's great, is there anything you need me to do?" The boy asked.

"We're going to have a bake sale, because most of the kids in the volunteering club are also in the baking club, so if you want to spread the word to others and the rest of your team that'd be great!" Bridgette suggested in her usual, cheery tone.

"No problem, mi amiga," he placed a hand on her shoulder, "I know that your club has been looking for ways to help our school." Bridgette smiled at him. "Oh, coach is waving me back over, see you in class!" He ran to the field.

Bridgette turned and was about to walk inside when she saw her boyfriend, Geoff, walk up to her. She ran up to him and hugged him, but didn't receive the same welcoming embrace.

"Are you okay, babe?" She asked worried.

"Why were you talking to Al?" She was somewhat shocked at his question and angry attitude.

"...because we're friends?"

"You seemed a little too friendly."


"You act like I didn't see him touch your shoulder or you smiling!"

"What? It was a friendly touch on the shoulder!"

"Whatever, Bridge."

"No, Geoff, it's not 'whatever'! You always get so jealous when I'm around him!"

"Don't you remember when you cheated on me?!" Geoff's voice grew louder. Bridgette's mouth hung open.

"IT WAS TRUTH OR DARE IN 6TH GARDE, GET OVER IT!" Bridgette's voice was almost at a shout.


"THAT DOESN'T MEAN I HAVE TO DO WHAT YOU SAY!" A crowd started to gather around the shouting couple.

"I NEVER SAID THAT!" Geoff argued.

"Geoff, Bridgette, just calm down. I meant no harm by my interactions with Bridge-" Alejandro was swiftly interrupted by more shouting.

"STAY OUT OF THIS, ASSHOLE!" Geoff yelled at him.


"FINE! LEAVE THEN!!" After his statement, Bridgette turned and walked to her friends who had watched the altercation. They walked into the bathroom and Heather cradled Bridgette's head as she cried.

"It'll be okay, Bridgette, you'll be back together by the end of the day." Courtney comforted the crying blonde.

"Yeah, I guess." She said in a solemn tone.

Cody was working to fix a mistake on his robot in the robotics room when he heard someone enter.

"Hey, Noah!" The short kid greeted as he stood next to him.

"Hey, gap." Noah replied, looking at what Cody was doing. "What'cha working on?" He asked, leaning close to the shorter boy. Cody blushed, but kept his head down in order to hide it.

"Um, just trying to find out why the arm keeps falling off for the robot. This is the one we're entering in the next competition, so it has to be perfect." He replied.

"None of our robots ever work, so why bother?" Noah responded. Cody shrugged.

"Maybe this time it'll work."

"Let me see." Noah took a close look at the part, examining each screw and wire. Cody started looking, too. Their faces were close, both boys blushing, when Cody jerked upward.

"I GOT IT!" He ran to a toolbox and brought it to the table. He screwed something and rearranged two wires.

"Let's try it, Cody." Noah suggested. Cody pressed a button on the computer and they waited for a moment before the robot began to move. It rolled forward a few inches and reached down to pick up a ball. The arm that held the ball slowly rose higher until parallel with the ground. The arm was about to go higher when a spark flew and the arm fell, crashing to the table.

"DAMMIT!" Cody groaned. Noah placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, we'll fix it."

Heather sat at her desk in her English class. She always got to class early for some reason, so she was waiting on her friends. The girl heard footsteps enter the classroom.

"Court, are you coming to the choir rehearsal today?" Heather asked, not looking up from her phone.

"Yes I am, mi amor." Heather snapped her head to the left, her eyes meeting with the boy's. She let out a groan as he sat behind her. "What's wrong, Heather?" He smirked.

"Don't talk to me, Dead Donkey." She said, not looking back. A small gasp was heard and Heather smirked to herself. Courtney finally walked in and sat beside her best friend. Heather slid a note to her.

(Italic is Heather. Bold is Courtney)

Any luck with Gwen?

What do you mean?

Are you dumb? It's obvious you like her

What?! Well, you like Alejandro!

Fuck you, I do not!

Courtney giggled to herself.


Shut u

"Girls, time to learn." Their teacher told them. Heather rolled her eyes and pocketed the notes

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