Chapter 21

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            You know that little voice that speaks to you from your heart? Your heart really tells you to do one thing but you don't listen to it because you believe it's going to screw everything up. Truth is, if you had to choose between reality and love, which would you choose? There's a thin line between love and reality just like how there's a thin line between the right and the real. Most people say they'd choose love. But in reality, do they really do what their hearts tell them to do?

            Because that's what I've done. I've ignored my heart for so long that I started to think the reality I was living was the right thing. My mind told me it would've been best to stay with Cam. My heart secretly longed for something more.

            Now, it was time to listen.

            Who knew the silence could be so loud?

            I sat in the grass while I thought about all the things that had happened. Who knew the sun could be so beautiful and I never had noticed it? I guess it was true when people said that you never know how much something means to you until you've lost it.

            Jake's finally gone and now I realize how much I've really loved him. When I think about how much pain I probably brought into his life, it hurts me. How can I cause so much pain and not know it? How could I be so stupid? How do you stand next to someone and just act like you don't feel anything?

            Jake was so strong. He's always been there for me and always thought of me before him. He held it all in. It made me wonder what kept him together for so long.

            "Come on, Natalie! It's time to go!" Delilah screamed from her car with he head poked out of the window.

            I turned my head and called back, "Okay. I'm coming!"

            Then, I ran towards the car knowing what I had to do. Finally, I was doing what I wanted. I finally chose between love and reality.

            I smiled to myself realizing, love could be reality. 

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