Chapter 5

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            "Good morning, Jake. When you get this voicemail, call me back. I really need to ask you a huge favor. Okay, bye."

            I tossed my phone on my bed. I let my body collapse on the bed and groaned.

            Here I am, now. Scarred palms, tear-stained pillow, and desperate for you to just reveal yourself. Take off the mask already! I'm already crazy in love with you! I just can't tell you. I wish I could.

            My phone started to vibrate again my bed. I lifted my head and pressed the phone to my ear.


            "Natalie, hey!" Jake said on the other line.

            "Hey, Jake. What time is The Sentimental Sunrise recording?" I asked.

            "Soon, actually. I called you a thousand times this morning to check if you still wanted me to bring you."

            "Sorry, Jake." I sighed and took a deep breath. "I just had a date with Cam last night. You know, my neighbor?"

            "I'm guessing it didn't go so well?"

            "No, actually. It went great!" I said with a groan.

            I heard him laugh. "Well, it doesn't sound like you had a great time. What's wrong, Natalie?"

            I didn't respond for a long time. But the good thing about Jake is that he was patient. He simply waited silently. I knew he was still there on the other line, waiting for me to say something. "Cam's great," my voice said shakily. "But that's the problem," I said, holding back tears. "I'm falling in love with him."

            "Oh," was all Jake said. Then, another long silence.

            "Well, I'm always here for you, Natalie. If you ever need something, I'm here. And so is Delilah," he assured me.

            I smiled weakly. "Yeah, I know. It's just..."

            "You don't have to tell me now if you're not ready, Natalie. We can talk in person if that's better," he suggested.

            I nodded. "Yeah, I think that would be better."

            "Okay," Jake said. "Bye, Natalie," he said slowly.

            "Bye, Jake."


            "Dad?" I called all around the house. "Dad? Where are you?" I checked his room, the garage, the backyard, and pretty much anywhere he could be.

            I stopped in the kitchen and saw he left a note on the fridge.

            Natalie, I didn't want to wake you. I got called in for work today. I'm not sure what time I'll be home but there's money on the counter in case you wanted to order pizza. Call me if you need anything.


            I left the money on the counter, untouched. I had a granola bar and a glass of milk that morning for breakfast. It was almost lunch time and I still wasn't hungry. Well, I actually was hungry but I didn't have the appetite.

            I decided to go outside, hoping the beautiful spring weather would make me feel better.

            I opened the front door and sat on our porch. All I heard was the quiet sound of digging. No doubt it was Cam working on his garden again.

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