Chapter 17

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            I watched as the taxi pulled up at front of the house. I packed all my belongings into the trunk and slammed it shut before climbing into the backseat.

            "To the airport," I told the taxi driver.

            It was such a cloudy day and very foggy. It was really strange especially in the summer. I looked out my window and watched the houses pass by me as though I was watching a movie. Then, a couple of seconds later it started to rain.

            I sat quietly and tried to calm my thoughts down.

            I tried not to think about the sound of her laughter, the way she smiled, how essential she was to me, and the feeling of how we kissed that night. I mean, how can you forget something as amazing as a first kiss?

            First kissed are tattooed into your heart and mind. There's no way of getting rid of them. They're memories. Maybe later on you'll be glad you had the chance to experience and create the memories you hold onto dearly.

            How could I not say goodbye to Natalie?

            I wanted to tell the taxi driver to turn around so badly. I tried to resist every urge in my body that was telling me to turn around and go back to her. How do you ignore those signals that go off in your head like that?

            I bit my lip and looked out the window and tried to imagine what the future might hold for me. I was leaving the past behind. Leaving the memories behind.

            But then, I saw a blurred image of Natalie running after my taxi behind us. I stared at it for a while. I wanted to turn around but I resisted the urge. It was probably my imagination. I didn't budge.

            After a long while, Natalie finally stopped running and stood in the rain. She grew smaller and smaller as we drove. I looked closely to see whether it was just the rain or if those were real tears. The window blurred almost everything.

            I couldn't help it anymore so I turned around.

            But she was already gone. 

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