Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

            I woke up to the bright rays of sunshine beaming through my window. It was a new day. And a new challenge, I reminded myself.

            I stretched and let out a yawn. I glanced at the digital alarm clock on my side table. It was 9:30A.M.

            After a long time of sitting up, motionless, I reached for my cell phone and dialed up Delilah.

            As the phone rang, I just felt giddy inside. I was so happy, I couldn't explain it. I needed to tell her everything.

            "Hullo?" a cheery voice on the other line said.

            "Good morning, Deh-li-luuuhh!" I sang happily over the phone.

            I heard her laugh. "What's up, buttercup? You didn't call last night to tell me what you and Jake did. So...what'd you guys do?" she asked suspiciously.

            "Oh my God, Delilah. Nothing happened between me and Jake," I assured her.

            "Yeah. I'll just pretend I believe that."

            "So you don't want to know what me and Jake did last night?" I asked her.

            "No, no, no, no! I totally want to know! What happened?!" she asked excitedly.

            I rolled my eyes, not that she would see. "He kissed me."

            "No effing way!" she shrieked. "Really?!"

            "No," I said dully. "Now, if you want to know what really happened, you have to calm down."

            I heard her take a deep breath. "Okay, ready. Now, talk."

            "I didn't get a chance to call you. So I'll start from the very beginning."

            "Yes. Good idea. Always a good place to start."

            I grinned. It was so like Delilah to be all excited to be talking about this. She got all mushy when we talked about love, relationships, and boys. She was just that kind of person. Even though she was inexperienced with this stuff, she really knows what she's talking about. She gives the best advice about it. I had this huge crush on this guy, Nick, in freshman year and I got my heartbroken for the first time. But Delilah was the one who helped me get back on my feet.

            We've had so many inside jokes too. We even gave each other nicknames. Mine was Leelee and hers was Lala. Jake always laughs when we call each other by our nicknames. He just thinks it's hilarious. I can't blame him. I cracked up too when we first came up with them. I'm so thankful to have best friends like her and Jake.

            I continued, "I found a daisy in my locker yesterday."

            "What? A daisy?" she repeated, confused.

            "Yeah," I said. "It came with this letter from this mysterious guy who doesn't want to tell me who he is."

            "Oh. My. Gosh. Who could it be?!"

            I sighed. "I don't know, Delilah. That's what I'm trying to figure out."

            "Well, who do you think it could be?"

            "Umm..." I said as I wondered.

            Out of all the guys, who could it be? Okay, could it be Nick? No way, he's still too scared of me. Could it be Drew from homeroom? I caught him staring at me the other day. No, it can't be him. He's dating a freshman named...Martha or something. God! Who could it be?!

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