Chapter 18

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            Half-way to Jake's house, I paused from running and took another look at my phone. I listened to my new voicemail.

            What surprised me was that it wasn't Cam, Delilah, or my dad who called. It was Jake. I realized I hadn't talked to him in so long.

            "Hey, Natalie. This is Jake. I've been trying to call you a few times to tell you that I'm moving to L.A. with my brother. I'm finally leaving and I just wanted to say goodbye. I know I should be doing this in person, but I don't want to make her even more miserable with everything else going on. So the night we kissed really was the last time we saw each other. I'm sorry. I really am. I wish I could give you more than what I'm giving you now. I guess we were too caught up in the moment to realize the things we needed to do. And...I love you, Natalie. Goodbye."

            I stopped my feet from moving. I instantly froze on the sidewalk. WHAT?!

            I listened to it again. "...I'm moving to L.A....I'm finally leaving and I just wanted to say goodbye...the night we kissed really was the last time we saw each other...we were too caught up in the moment to realize the things we needed to do...I love you, Natalie. Goodbye."

            There was nothing else. Just that blunt voicemail. Nothing else.

            So many things were spinning in my head. WAIT! WHAT?! WHY?!

            As I turned the corner, I saw him get into the taxi.

            My instincts just kicked in. I just started to run.

            "Jake, wait!" I yelled as I ran.

            They were already driving down the rode. It was practically hopeless to catch up to them.

            I kept screaming as I ran. "Jake! Wait! Come back!"

            We all do crazy things for the people we love, huh?

            I finally stopped when I couldn't breathe. I stood there and watched the cab grow smaller.

            To make things way better, it even started to rain!

            I even started to cry. How on earth could he leave me like this?

            It was too late. They disappeared as they drove further and further into the horizon, leaving me alone in the rain with the daisy in my hand. After a while of standing in the rain, realizing he wasn't turning back, I turned around and followed the trail of fallen petals home.

            I was just...too late.

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