Family Fight

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(Vincent's pov)

Clementine and I had gotten back home from the lake, and we had gone to bed after a few more minutes. When we did wake up in the morning, I was woken up by a phone call and I groaned a bit as I grabbed the phone and answered it.

"Hmm yea?" I asked as I opened my eyes a bit.

"Vincent, hey we are holding the party at the park." I hear and I sit up.

"Right birthday party today?" I asked.

"Yes, it's today but Aunt Karen changed the location... again." I hear my mom say and I nod a bit.

"Yea alright, she change the time too?" I asked.

"Sadly, yes, she did she made it an all-day party, how she was able to do this on short notice just... anyway we need to be there in an hour or so but it's fine if you are a bit late." She tells me and I nod.

"Yea, alright we will get ready, I still need to get the gift." I muttered.

"Alright, we will see you then." She tells me and we both hang up. I look to my side to see Clementine looking at me and I smiled at her.

"We going to get the gift?" She asked and I nod as I sighed and grabbed my keys and wallet.

"Oh, where are you two heading to?" I hear my grandmother ask.

"Mom called saying the party was changed, so I have to go and get a gift." I tell her.

"Oh well I need to start working on the cake... actually could you help me, Clementine?" She asked and I looked to Clem and nodded, and she went to go help my grandmother as I headed out to look for a gift, until I got a phone call.


"Vincent what are you up to?" I heard my cousin say and I sighed.

"Well hello to you too, I'm going to get the gift for the party since Aunt Karen changed it on us.... Again." I state.

"Fuck I need to get one too, mind coming over to get me? my car is being a piece of shit." Jane says and I laughed.

"I can help you fix it, but sure I'll be right over, is Molly coming too?" I asked, I then heard Molly on the other end and then jane came back to me.

"Yea, if that's ok with you." She says.

"I'm cool with it, just give me ten minutes." I tell them and we hang up. That ten minutes ended up being a good twenty when I finally get to the house I leaned back in the seat and waited for my cousins. They come in the car quickly and I start the drive into the city.

"So, where is your girlfriend?" Molly asked.

"Grandma asked her to help with the cake, since Aunt Karen changed the time." I say as I drove.

"I heard, your mom literally just called us and told us about it, I don't know why mom is like this." Jane says and I chuckled.

"She's a nutcase and we all know it, but we just deal with it." I say as I looked at the road a bit.

"So how did the surgery go?" Molly asked and I turned red at this.

"Well, if I want kids I can." I say.

"That's great though, right?" Jane asked and I nodded.

"Yea but I don't want to rush anything... I know grandma was joking but she thinks Clem and I will be together for a long time but... I mean I would want that, but I don't want to pressure her since I'm.... I don't know." I mutter and lean my arm on the window a bit as I drive.

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