Interview For The Band

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(Vincent's Pov)

I was woken up by the sound of my alarm going off along with the sound of knocking on my door. I groaned a bit as I got up from the bed and I went to the to see Louis, Marlon and Brody standing at the door and I yawned a bit.

"Hey come one we have to leave soon." Marlon says and I nod.

"Yea, Yea just let me get Clementine up and ready, want to give me the address in case we don't leave on time?" I asked.

"Already sent it to your phone." Brody says and I nod at this as I close the door as they leave and I go and wake up Clementine, who was also tired. We got dressed and ready for the day and we headed out to the car to meet with the others.

"Alright let's head on out, don't worry this won't take too long." Louis says to Clementine and I look to him.

"How long does it usually take?" She asked me.

"Depends really, it could take a few hours but they know you and I have to go look for a home so we might be there for two hours minimum." I explained to her as we got into my car after getting the rest of my stuff out of the motel and I head to the front to pay off the nights I've been here and once that was all said and done, we all headed to the one studio area to get things ready. I helped them set the table and mics as well, while Brody and Ruby set the chairs in place, I had an extra seat next to mine so Clementine would have a place to sit. When all that was done, we all took a seat as people started to come in and I went to go grab us all some waters. When I gave everyone their drinks, I took a seat next to Clementine and I took a drink of my water just as everyone had sat down.

"Alright so here is how today is going to go, Vincent here is only staying for a limited time just to inform you all." Marlon tells the audience and I nod in agreement. Once the rules were all said and done, we began the questions. Our meet and greets were basically like your panels.

"Alright we can begin the questions." Louis says and I nod as they point to the first person.

"When will be the next time you all will be on tour?" Someone asked.

"We plan to go on tour when we get two more people in our group and we have been holding auditions just not at the moment since we are here currently." Ruby says.

"Will Vincent be back?" Someone asked.

"Sadly no, I won't be back I'm just here because I was asked too." I tell them.

"Why won't you come back since Minerva is gone?" The same person asked.

"Uh, due to my lack of motivation and wanting to see family along with wanting to go to new places I don't think it is wise for me at the moment to come back if I ever decided to." I explained as best as I could to them.

"What is the lack of motivation?" Someone asked.

"Uh, I just don't feel like writing or making music right now and I didn't want to disappoint you guys as our fans, and I do know this seems like I'm disappointing you all right now with me not trying to make new songs." I explained.

"When do you think you, all will be back on tour?" Someone asked.

"I would say sometime in the month while we try to make new songs and get some new members to join in on the band." Louis explained.

"Vincent, are you dating again?" Someone asked and I looked to them.

"Uh no I am not dating anyone at the moment." I tell them.

"So, who is the girl next to you?" The person asked.

"Uh." I tried to say as I looked to Clementine for some help with this question and she nods to me a bit and looked to the crowd.

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