The Past of Vincent

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(Vincent's Pov)

I woke up to a phone ringing so I sit up from the couch and stretch a bit. I then look around to see it was Clementine's phone that was going off so I look to her then I shake her shoulder gently.

"Clem, Phone ringing." I mutter as she wakes up and I lay my head back a bit on the couch as she grabbed her phone to answer it.

"Hey dad.... No, I haven't been on social media.... Wait what?" She asked then grabbed the remote to the TV and went on YouTube to look at the news channel that was live currently.

"Today we have Minerva here with us on the show to talk about her relationship with her old band 'The Walking Dead' and about her new relationship." The man says and I get up and watch the TV some more with Clementine.

"Well, I just want to say that I'm glad to be here and I also want to point out that I am part of a new band we call ourselves 'Delta', and yes I am in a new relationship with someone but I'm not giving names just yet, they don't want to be in any of this and would like to keep it a private matter at the time." She says and I hear my phone ring and I answer it.

"Are you watching the news?" I hear.

"Yea I am Brody the fuck is she doing?" I asked.

"I have no clue, all I heard was that she got in a new band and now she is in a relationship with someone, Louis said he heard from the meet and greet that Minerva was going to be on the news for a while until your interviews." She explained and I nod as I watched the news more.

"So, since you are in a new relationship you are going to forget Vincent?"

"Oh Yes him and I are old news, I just hope him and his girlfriend are still up for the interview next week."

"Oh, so they are in a relationship?"

"Come on you've seen the new photo that was posted on my old bands Instagram page? Clearly, he looks like he's in love, he gave me that same look when we were together, I have no idea why he keeps denying it."

"That's because I'm not in a relationship you dumb... fucking hell." I sighed as I looked to the TV again.

"Do you know anything about his new partner?"

"Oh yes, her name is Clementine, she's a senior at Macon High School, plays baseball, it's on her social media page, she even linked her Instagram on the photo they first took with Vincent, I can see why he left me for her."

"Wait you think they knew each other before the break?"

"Oh, I know they were, see Vincent wanted to say I was a cheater but I never did, him on the other hand might have while we were still together, hell Clementine has been to one of our concerts and I do believe they met up at one point, but enough about that, let-." I shut the TV off after that and I lean back in the couch and groan a bit.

"Fuuuuuck." I mumbled as I get up from the couch and take the popcorn bowl into the kitchen. I leaned on the counter a bit as I talked to Brody.

"I think we should do the interview early." I tell her.

"I hear you on that, do you need help?" She asked.

"Just... can you come for some sort of support or something, I know Clementine would come but." I tried to explain.

"Yea I can come just tell me when you schedule it is all, we can bring Ruby too." She says and I nod. We both hung up and I head back to the couch and I laid back and looked at the time. I think for a bit and send my address to Brody and invite her and the others over for the day. When that was done, I looked up to Clementine as she rubbed my head a bit and I sighed.

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