Small Talk

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(Vincent's Pov)

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off and I get up and looked around the room a bit. I grabbed my phone and turned the alarm off, I then got up and headed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see I had a black eye and I could see the cut that Clementine was talking about. I looked to my stomach a bit to see some bruising but in all honest it didn't look too bad and I didn't feel bad in a way that would result in me having to go to the hospital. I took a shower and once I was done, I went back to my room to see Clementine getting up and I went to my dresser to grab some clothes. I handed her some clothes I had and she nods in thanks and I nod in return as I got changed once she had gone into the bathroom, I went down the stair and started on breakfast. It wasn't long till Clementine came down and I handed her a plate so she could eat her food, we both ate in silence and once we were done, I went to feed the chickens and then I went to my car and took Clementine to school. I drove back home and went into my study area and I looked over my resume to see if it was ok, once I was finished reviewing it I printed it out and nodded as I decided to look up the location of the music store.

"Ok this should be fun." I muttered as I got back into the car and drove to the shop. I parked the car and I headed into the store and looked around a bit.

"Hey how can I help you?" I hear and look to see an older man as he walked up to me, we both shook hands as I introduced myself.

"I'm Vincent I was wondering if you had any job openings for this shop?" I asked and he smiled.

"I do, the name is Chuck or Charles if you're fancy... so you want to work here?" He asked and I nodded as I handed him my resume and he looked it over.

"Oh, you use to be part of a band... you seem qualified enough, but I need to know if you're really good." He says and he took me over to the guitar section of the store, he made me name off each guitar, how to properly fix a guitar, then we did this over with the pianos, and other instruments as well.

"See we mostly get band kids from the high school to come in here for parts or a new instrument, and none of them know what the heck they are looking for even though they've been here." He says and I wanted to chuckle at that, I don't think it was completely true but I won't doubt him.

"There are some rues when it comes to the guitars, we don't let people play over rated songs like highway to hell and stuff, it gets boring from time to time." He explains and I nod.

"Oh, yea trust me, I went into a music store in the city and all you heard was three people playing Sweet Home Alabama at different points, I hurt my ears a bit." I say as I hold a guitar, it was a red and black custom SG Gibson electric guitar.

"Oh, right I forgot to mention, we do customs here, in the back if you ever want to try that." He explained and showed me the small sop in the back and I saw a few unfinished projects.

"I can teach you how to make them just in case I can't make the order myself." He says and I look at him.

"Wait... you're hiring me?" I asked.

"Why not? You know about all different instruments, you have the qualifications, plus I need a helping hand anyway with my age." He says and I nod as we shook on it. We got all the paperwork done and I thanked him a lot for the job. I would start Thursday morning at eight. Once we finished talking, I looked to my watch to see the time and I told him I had to go. I then left the shop and headed back to my home to get some work done on the house and to feed the chickens again, I then went to my study and logged onto the computer to look up the information on when I was going to get my keyboard from the delivery service. I should be getting it today it says and I nod and then I get a call on my phone.

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