Game Day

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(Vincent's Pov)

A few days had passed and it is currently Saturday. I was up early with Clementine as she and I were driving her to the school for her game, we had gotten AJ because he wanted to ride with us to the school. I parked the car in the lot and Clementine grabbed her bags and we all went to the gate; I was about to pay for a ticket but she stopped me.

"You can get in for free." She says as she talked to the stand worker and they let us in. We take a seat near the dugout as Clementine goes to her team, Lee and Carly finally come over to us and I nod to them as AJ waves to them. They announce that the game was about to start so we did the usual things, standing for the national anthem, and so on. When the players finally came out to go to their positions, I saw Clementine on the pitcher's mound.

"WOO GO CLEM!" AJ yells and she waved at him then looked to the batter from the enemy team. She wound up the ball and threw it to the batter, the missed the hit so it turned into a strike.

"STRIKE ONE!" The umpire yelled out and Clementine was given the ball back and she fixed her cap a bit. She wound up the ball and the person missed the hit again.

"STRIKE TWO!" The umpire yelled again and Clementine was given the ball once more. Again, she wound up the ball but this time they were able to get a hit and it went high up into the right field. One of Clem's team mates missed the catch but they were able to grab the ball and throw it, but the enemy player was able to get to first base. This would go on for a good while before they finally had three outs and switched sides, the first person up wasn't Clementine as she came over to us a bit.

"How you liking the game so far?" She asked and looked back to the game then to me.

"Going good the first time around, I'm betting you'll win the game." I say as I watch said game more.

"Don't give us a big ego there Vincent." She tells me and I chuckled.

"CLEMENTINE YOU'RE UP!" The coach yells and she waved to us as she went up to bat. She got up the batter's box and took her stance as the enemy teams' pitcher threw the ball. Clem swung the bat missing turning it into a strike.

"STRIKE ONE!" The umpire yells and they give the catcher throws the ball back to their team. They wound up the ball ready to throw but this time it was a hit and Clementine was able to run. It went to the far-left field and it was pretty good distance, it was so good that she was able to get to second base before she stopped on the base. The game went on for a good few hours, it was a tie at this point one more round to see who would win the game. I had gotten up at this point since they were taking a break for water and I went to use the restroom and then grab Clementine's family something to drink but sadly I was interrupted.

"Hey aren't you, Vincent?" I hear and turn as I got the drinks to see some kids looking at me.

"I uh... yea?" I responded as I walked out of the way of other people.

"Oh my god I didn't believe that you were here when Becca said you were, holy hell." A boy says and I just look at them.

"Uh, well it was nice to meet you but uh I would like to go watch the game." I tried to explain.

"Oh, come on the game is boring." A girl says and I look at them.

"I'm enjoying the game, so can I please." I was interrupted again.

"Come on it's fine, it's almost over anyway." The same boy says.

"Hey he wants to watch the game so leave him alone." I hear and see Duck as he comes over to us.

"Come on Duck, you got to hang out with him why can't we?" A girl says.

"I don't care, he wants to watch the game let him he doesn't want to be bothered, now come on Vincent Clementine is up again." He says and I nod as I walk with him an I sighed a bit at this.

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