Movie Night

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(Vincent's Pov)

Clementine and I stood in the Kitchen a bit and we drank whatever was in the fridge. I leaned on the counter a bit and looked at another clip that was playing on the TV, it had Louis and I walking around the town a bit, I had my guitar with me and Louis had a Violin.

"Wait you played the Violin?" I hear Gabe ask Louis and I look to see the boys passed out on the floor and I chuckled a bit at this as both Clementine and I go back into the living room.

"Yea I did, and the grand piano... was not a healthy point in my life." I hear Louis tell them and I looked to him.

"Why what happened?" Duck asked and Louis looked to me then to the others.

"Believe it or not, Vincent here helped me learn more on music, my dad only wanted me to play the classics, orchestra is what he was looking at me doing, not this, or maybe I could have been a soloist or whatever, anyway Vincent here showed me other genres of music that I didn't know existed when I got sent to the school for troubled youth." Louis explained and I nodded at this and looked to him.

"His favorite song was 'we're not gonna take it', when he saw the cover of the bands album, he didn't believe that they actually made the songs because of how they were dressed." I say as I sit on the arm of the couch.

"Wait really?" Sarah asked and Louis nods.

"Oh, yea it's true, I always thought you had to wear a suit and tie to be a musician not whatever you wanted." He says and I nod.

"So, wait how did you two meet exactly?" Becca asked and I think.

"We were both in the music class at your school, Louis was wearing a suit and I was wearing this old thing." I say as I pull on my vest.

"He came up to me and asked if I was in the wrong class cause everyone else was kind of proper looking, and let's just say he kind of made fun of my clothes so I punched him." I explained.

"Yea not the best thing I've done, I was kind of snobby back then... anyway after that he had to take me to the infirmary and stay there till, I woke up to apologize, when he did, he explained that he couldn't afford nice clothes due to his family's finances so I shouldn't talk down to people like that." Louis tells them.

"Yea but how did you become friends?" Gabe asked.

"Oh, I accidentally gave him the wrong record, I thought it was... fuck what was it?" I asked.

"Mozart, but instead of that he had his Kiss Record in there." Louis says.

"Best thing I ever did though, now you're a rock star." I say and do an air guitar and he copies me and we both laughed at this and I relaxed a bit.

"Yea... it was great, so anyway after that I went up to him and asked what the songs were and what they played in order for it to sound like that, needless to say we've been friends ever since." Louis says and I nod.

"How old were you guys?" Duck asked.

"Shit... I was eleven, and he was ten, anyway after that we decided to make a band together and then a few years later... I was kicked out of my parents' home and so on and here we are now." I say to them and I lean back a bit.

"How did it feel though, when you all started up?" Sarah asked and I look at her.

"Scary, we needed to find more people for one thing, Louis found Marlon, I already knew Brody, then we both found Mitch, Omar, then Ruby found us and Aasim was already with her so... yea... this was after Louis and I left the record deal and started our own thing, it was fun when we started out though." I explained.

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