☆Chapter 6☆

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Special taekook chapter!!


The ideas were down and Jimin and Yoongi are once again in the studio working on their duet.

It was more stressful than they thought but they managed to get through it.

While they were in the studio choreographing their duet, Taehyung and Jungkook decided to take this day to get to know each other more at the near by blue hour café.

They both ordered drinks got their seats getting into topic.

"Let's take turns and ask each other questions... Me first!" Jungkook suggests, "So... what are some things that you like?" Jungkook asks.

"Well, I like to dance, sing and-" He says getting interrupted by a surprised Jungkook.

"Wait- YOU SING!? Can I hear you sing? Like right now? Black swan by Bangtan? Anti-romantic by TXT?" Jungkook says in shock.

Taehyung stood there frozen. Should he sing? Right here, right now in the café?

"Uhm... I-I don't know if I c-can right now! I'm just, uh... uhm..." Taehyung says nervously.

"Don't worry hyung. I'll wait!" Jungkook says with a comforting smile on his face holding on to Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung's heart just skipped a beat. Why is his heart suddenly beating so rapidly?

They have been staring at each other for a while and they haven't even realized.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung's lips. It was so soft, he wanted to kiss him.

But, what will Taehyung think?

Is he going to like it?

Soon Jungkook suddenly asked, "So hyung... Are you perhaps into boys?" without any senses.

They both snapped back to reality avoiding all contacts and stood there in shock.

Taehyung's mind was a mess!

Is he attracted to guys?

Would he date a guy?

Would he enjoy a gay relationship?

Taehyung just went in a questioning crisis.

Jungkook realizes the look on Taehyung's face he panics and tries to fix what he just did.

"Oh- shit! uhm... sorry i shouldn't have said that. If you're not, I'm fine with that I was just wondering. I am bi myself and prefer guys but I dont know about you so I was just curious. Not like I'm like uh- into you or anything I was just- Oh my god im talking too much i'm so sorry!" Jungkook tries to calm down.

"No, don't worry Jk everything is fine! I-I have a girlfriend! S-she's very nice actually!" Taehyung replies.

He really didn't have a girlfriend. He panicked and said what came to mind.

He was single as a pringle and used the excuse that he had a girlfriend to hide that he was maybe into guys.

He is not ashamed or embarrassed, he's just not sure about his sexuality just yet.

"Wow... Nice to hear! What's her name?" Jungkook asks Taehyung

"Oh yeah... Her name is Gina!" Taehyung acts saying a random name.

"That's such a beautiful name! She must be very lucky to have you." Jungkook heart shattered a bit. He was slowly developing feelings for the older.

Skip to an hour later Taehyung and Jungkook are now in their respective dorms.

They were both ranting to their roommate also known as Jimin and Yoongi about what just happened today in the café.

Taehyung was ranting about how he faked having a girlfriend while Jungkook ranted how he lost his chance of finally being in a relationship. They were both losing their minds just a wall away from each other.

Taehyung: "Yoongi hyung I just told Jungkook I had a girlfriend named Gina and I really don't and i'm literally mad at myself because I think I just hurt his precious heart! What the fuck do I do! Hyunggg how did you find out that you were pan!? What is the fastest way to be sure of your sexuality? When will this questioning crisis end? Fucking Jeon Jungkook brought me to this questioning mess! Why does he have to be so cute and attractive? How do I tell him that I don't have a girlfriend before this thing gets worse?"

Jungkook: "Jimmieeee hyungggg! Taehyung said he has a girlfriend and I feel so hurt! I thought I maybe had a chance to be in a relationship with the one and only Kim Taehyung, the man who is so talented and loves to sing and dance! I think I've caught feelings for a straight man Jimin! Do you think it's possible to turn him gay but the end of the school year? I don't know!! Why am I such bad luck!? When is it my turn to be happy!? Give me all the advice and inspirational words you can think of! It will really be useful at this moment!"


Written by Jupiter

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