And you are?

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[And you are?]


You were sitting in the quiet room as chatter was to be heard outside. The cold breeze along with it. She sat across from you as you read her the story you had made up with the little imagination left in you. Her eyes seemed to have a brighter sparkle as she got more and more interested.

- your pov

As I turned to look at her, she seemed nervous to find out what was next. I knew inside that she was going to burst if I didn't tell her what was going to happen. I personally didn't want to keep her waiting but the look on her face was hilarious. "In just a quick moment,.. she was gone." I whispered to her as I shut the book dramatically.

I'm not very original to say the least.

"What happened?.!" Powder instantly shouted but seconds later, noticed she yelled a little too loudly. She looked around the room and then quickly looked back at me.

"What happened?" She whispered. "Come on pleasee." She motioned with her hands.

"Aren't you an impatient one?" I laughed, opening the beat up book and finding where I left off.

She crossed her arms and huffed. "Well go on."

I looked at her with a concerned looked on my face. I wasn't actually concerned about anything, I just wanted to see what other reaction she was going to give me. "...She was taken by the bad guys." I whispered. 

Now I'm no author so I had to say it like that. I mean,
Powder doesn't even mind though. It's the thought that counts, and the entertainment of course.

"Like the enforcers?" A voice of concern replied back to me.

I don't even know the answer to her question. But we're going to answer like we know everything. As we always do.

"Uh, well kinda like the enforcers." She didn't say anything for a brief moment but then she nodded her head.

"I don't like enforcers. They always seem to think we're the bad guys. I mean, there's some bad bad people down here but the enforcers are totally worse. You know its not fair."  "You sister thinks their all bad but, what do you think hm?" She had asked me.

"Well.." I began. "There's probably some good enforcers out there. Some are bad, which makes your sister partially right. Think about it Powder, if we think that their bad, they obviously think that we're bad people as well. We have our differences yeah but aren't you a good person Powder?"

"I am most definitely so." She nodded her head as she agreed with me.

"Well, There's your answer. There's probably good people on the other side, we just don't get along very well."

"I never really saw it like that." She looked down and swung her legs back and forth. "Why can't we get along, we're technically one people, it's absurd." She looked back up at me.

"They obviously don't like us." A figure walked into the room and shut the door behind them. "Stop telling her their good people, they aren't." She headed towards us and hugged Powder. "And..who exactly are you?"

She let Powder go and stared at me. She looked around my age. Short pinkish hair. Which looked good on her shall I say but that's besides the point.

"I'm Y/N and you are?" I asked her with confusion.

"I'm Vi, her sister. I suppose your the girl she always talks about." She looked at me up and down.


"It depends on what she said." I looked back at Powder.

"No no, I said good things about you Y/N, You always help me when Vi isn't around to do so." Powder smiled.

I shrugged your shoulders. "I guess that's me."

"Wait how'd you even find us?" Powder asked her. Which was a good question.

"By following you?" She give us a smug look. "Obviously."

"hm.." Powder looked down at the floor as she hummed.

There was an awkward silence after that. Powder was sitting on the chair swinging her legs back and forth. Vi was looking at me. I looked down, not knowing if she trusted me or not. She genuinely looks like she didn't even trust anyone.

"What happened to your cheek?" She broke the silence. 


She walked towards me and slowly moved some of the strands of my hair to the side. She pointed at the slash on my face.

"Oh, I wouldn't mind that..just a scratch." I replied, feeling warmer than usual. You..please get it together. You've been around a lot of people.

What's the difference now?

"Doesn't look like a scratch to me, it's going to get infected if you don't treat it." Her eyebrows furrowed like she was concerned.

"Its not the first time." I mumbled.

I met her eyes again and like before, I felt myself getting warmer, which was probably noticeable.

The girl was a bit taller than me and inches away from my face. You could see every detail in her eyes from my point of view.

"The least I can do is help you get it treated." She inhaled the cold polluted air. "Just follow me." She turned around, and walked towards the door. Powder followed after her.

Is this girl really serious? I'm perfectly fine. "No really, I'm okay." I told her as she opened the door and the cold breeze came into the room.

"It wasn't an option."

You and I (Arcane League of Legends Vi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now