Chapter 8

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"I never knew the view from my house could be so breathtaking..." Kongpob looked at the setting sun and the birds that flew by. Chirping and settling in their little nest. Life was so peaceful looking at this image.

Sitting on the rooftop with your first love, eating ice cream, and watching a beautiful sunset with a small breeze raking their hair.

"I like my view bed," Arthit scooped some ice cream and stuffed his mouth, staring forward.

Kongpob halted his hand midway, his jaws dropping. He needed to know what kind of energy drinks and bars Arthit was consuming. He was sore and beyond exhausted every night. What was this man intaking?

"Let's go down. You saw yours, and I wanna see mine," Arthit grabbed Kongpob's sundae and went down the ladder. "Jump," Arthit took away the ladder and looked up, his arms held out.

"It's a long jump, Arthit..." Kongpob looked down, gulping a lump.

"Trust your daddy," Arthit winked. Kongpob blushed but let go, jumping right into Arthit's arms. Arthit stepped back, grunting. Kongpob was gaining some weight and Arthit was happy. Now he can grip onto some flesh instead of all bones.

"You're putting too much batter into the tray," Arthit rolled his eyes and continued to do what he wanted to do.

"Shut up before I bend you over and make you fill them 'correctly' while I fill something I know how to do," Arthit glared, mumbling more profanities.

Kongpob muffled his laughter looking at Arthit's dumbfounded face. The muffins became huge. And Kongpob put his hand over his hips and gave Arthit an 'I told you so' face.

"Whatever," Arthit walked away and opened a bottle of wine, and poured himself some. Sipping and watching Kongpob bend over and take the muffins up. Kongpob could feel the hot stare and mumbled things himself. His bottom needed rest too.

Arthit rolled his eyes again, for the nth time. Kongpob was bossy in the kitchen, forgetting all his fears when it came to his pots and pans.

Kongpob had given him so much shit, almost put him on time out like a misbehaving child. Okay, maybe he was acting like one, doesn't mean he should get treated like one.

Arthit had just accidentally used a steel spoon to stir on a nonstick pan. How was he supposed to know you weren't supposed to do that?

Arthit could swear that he's never seen Kongpob so mad until he saw the scratch marks made. Kongpob was boiling, but he took a deep breath and smiled.

He was deliberating whether to have some wine or not. Maybe being tipsy could help him get through the night.

"You're such a bully in the kitchen," Arthit mumbled, twirling his pasta around his spoon.

"You almost burned down the renovated house Arthit...and all of your money would be wasted..." Kongpob grumbled, chewing his food.

Arthit stared up at him. That was Kongpob's concern?

"You bought me everything I have, and I want it to last a lifetime..." Kongpob kept looking down, gulping a lump. He wanted to keep it all even if Arthit won't be there one day. For the sake of memories and for him to keep living another day. "I am sorry..."

Arthit looked down and felt his heart dropping. How innocent can one person be? He was falling deeper into his pit of remorse, day by day. And he wouldn't dare give a name to what the other emotion was.

Because he was still a monster. Even if he got back the ability to feel remorse, he was and will always be a monster. And he won't change for anyone, even Kongpob.

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