Chapter 9

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Arthit had been grumpy all week, particularly today, because Kongpob denied coming over to his house. Kongpob had never, EVER denied Arthit anything. Until these past two weeks.

Where all the progress Arthit thought he was making, went down the drain. Kongpob did everything to avoid him, and when Arthit asked multiple times. Kongpob would just give a dimpled smile and shake his head.

Knott was having enough along with Bright and the rest of the team. Bright had taken a day off, saying he'd choke Arthit if he gets ordered around for no reason one more time.

Knott thought Bright was being Bright and was exaggerating. He wasn't. Arthit was being an absolute jerk. Grumbling, rolling eyes, barking orders, losing his temper, and throwing papers around. Absolute JERK. All week. ALL DAY!

"What is wrong with you?" Knott barged in and sat down. Ignoring the dark glare thrown his way. "Glare all you want. I need an answer." Knott crosses his arms over his crossed legs, leaning back on the seat.

Arthit stood up, and walked towards the window, standing with both hands in pockets. "Nothing." Staring out into the sunset. Arthit loved looking down, the people looked so small and he was surprised by it every time.

"Nothing my ass," Knott got up and grabbed Arthit's shoulder. "Arthit..."

"Knott, please. I am sorry. But don't," Arthit sighed, taking a step away from Knott. He was so frustrated. And he hated being frustrated because of a person, he's never felt that emotion for too long.

Because if a person wanted to go and frustrate Arthit to this level, Arthit would just make sure they couldn't again. But that's not the case with Kongpob. "I'm going home early. Please fill in for me..."

Knott stared at him, nodding his head and taking a step back. "You do know, just because we're not college kids anymore, doesn't mean we can't share our troubles..."

Arthit turned back and smiled at Knott, patting his back. "I know, and I will when the time comes," Arthit gave a small nod and walked out, grabbing his phone and keys.

Arthit went straight to his wet bar, pouring himself some bourbon in an iced glass. He didn't bother turning on the lighting, just the small decorative lights hanging in from the ceiling by the kitchen.

He downed his glass in one go, feeling the burn travel down his throat. He poured himself another glass, downing it again.

This was Arthit's new hobby, getting off of work and drinking his way out. Becoming more miserable the next day at work. He knew it wasn't right, they didn't deserve that side of Arthit. But he needed something to keep him anchored. Because he was close to breaking some families.

He never stopped, he never will. But with the small ball of happiness, he found in Kongpob, he didn't feel bloodthirsty. Just had to cleanse, when things got bad.

Arthit clenched his jaws and yelled, throwing the glass at the wall in front. Watching the glass shatter into a million pieces.

DAMNIT Kongpob.

Arthit took another glass and filled it up, forgetting the ice. He put the glass away, drinking from the bottle being more convenient.

He went outside, swaying. Swaggering into his jeep. "I'm coming even though you don't want me to." Arthit sped through and reached Kongpob's house. Maybe hitting a few trees and curbs along the way. Oh, and killed a deer.

But he wasn't dead.

Arthit brought the bottle of bourbon out, taking another huge gulp. He rang the doorbell, and leaned on the door, his whole body falling on Kongpob.

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