Chapter 5

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And just like that one night, Kongpob found himself standing inside an abandoned warehouse. He covered his nose, getting a foul stench. And looked around for Arthit who had disappeared.

He took small steps around, peeking through the small corners, yelping at the huge spider webs hanging from the half-broken ceiling.

He jolted and spun around hearing a huge thud and heavy footsteps. His eyes widened as he saw Arthit dragging out a man by his hair.

And throwing him on the ground a few feet away from Kongpob. Kongpob immediately steps back, looking at the man with a long unkempt beard and hair. He looks at Arthit questioningly.

But gasps as he sees the man's face. Taking huge steps towards Arthit, hiding behind him unconsciously.

Arthit smirked as he grabbed the man by the collar and made him stand, pushing him back a little. The man wobbled a little, blinking his eyes. Swaying around on his feet. Kongpob stepped back more, not liking the darkness nor the intoxicated man.

"Why are we here?" Kongpob asked, looking around, resisting the urge to grab Arthit and drag them both away. He didn't want to dig his grave right now anyway.

Arthit doesn't reply as he keeps staring at the man with a blank face, tilting his head to the side.


"Do you know him?" Arthit walked back and leaned against a huge pillar, taking out a cigarette and lighting it. Throwing the match on the ground beside.

Kongpob shook his head, the alarms blaring, seeing Arthit nod his head. Slowly looking at Kongpob and taking a puff.

Ofcourse Kongpob knew this man. It was the janitor of the middle school Kongpob studied at... Who molested Kongpob any chance given... Violating him... Until one day a teacher found then in the closet, hearing Kong's muffled screams. Just in time of saving Kong from getting raped.

The man took a heavy step toward Kongpob. Breaking his reverie. As Kong stepped away from the stench. Looking desperately for Arthit. Feeling his breathes narrowing with the memories...

"Arthit..." Kong whimpered, looking around the darkness. The small yellow light not helping. "Arthit please..."

"My boy. It's you?" The man slurred, barely being able to stand.

He grabbed onto Kongpob to stop himself from falling and breathed down Kongpob's neck. While Kongpob stood there repulsed from the stench of a garbage disposal.

He looked away, holding onto the man. Shivering, feeling the intense glare at his back. He pushed the man back, helping him stand on his feet. But the man leaned down all his weight on Kongpob and he was lost.

Arthit watched the whole ordeal, still smoking his cigar and blowing it into the air. His eyes darkening as he watched Kongpob struggle.

Arthit clicked his tongue and walked over, thinking it was enough, and flicked the cigar right on the man's forehead.

Leaving some ashes on his face. The man stood straight, staring at Arthit, and scowled.

"You brought me here." The man looked Kongpob's way and gave a crooked smile with his yellow teeth. The small number of teeth that remained.

"Thanks for the sweetheart you brought," the man looks Kong up and down. "I missed your tiny body..."

The man lifts his arm to touch Kongpob's head but received a hard kick in the gut, sending him flying.

Kongpob stepped forward, grabbing Arthit's arm that was heading for another powerful punch. "Please. Please let's go back..."

Arthit yanked his arm away and shot him a look; Kongpob stepped back, covering his mouth. Getting flashes of Nathan's assault. Getting flashes of Nathan in the hospital, never being able to walk again. And refusing to speak to anyone.

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