Chapter 26: No dinner for you.

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And that was just how it would have to be. Changbin, Han and Hyunjin would come over to your place to eat dinner without Chan. You discussed a little and came up with a date.

While long days of shooting passed, you can Chan grew more and more apart from each other. Right now, you both just avoided talking to each other, being afraid of fighting. You hadn't received a text message from him for so long, so you assumed he had deleted your number like you asked. He didn't invite you over to his studio anymore.
'So.. The friendship between you and Chan is over?' Dan-bi asked you while you were both sitting in the cafeteria.
'Uhmm yeah. It's better this way.' You said while looking outside, avoiding her gaze.
'Are you sure? Coworkers can be friends you know? And you both really seemed to click.' Dan-Bi grabs your hand to squeeze it a little.
'It's just... better.' You say.

The day had come. The boys would come over for dinner. You and Ji-Ho decided to cook some Japanese curry.
You were setting the table with 5 plates while you heard the doorbell ring.
'I'll get it!' Ji-Ho yelled, making her way to the front door. 'Y/N could you maybe grab my phone? I think I left it in my room.'
'Alright.' You grab your crutches and slowly make your way to her room. 'Where the f*ck did she leave it? I can't find it anywhere.' You mumble picking up pillows and clothing. Her room is always a mess. You can hear multiple male voices in the background being loud.
Then, you hear a familiar male voice protesting. Is that, Chan? You turn around and indeed see Chan. His arms are being held by Changbin and Han, restraining him. They start pushing him towards you and you just know what they're planning to do.
'No, no, no don't close the door.' As you try to make your way over to the door, wanting to close it before they can push Chan in, Chan is thrown inside and bumps into you. While falling to the ground with him, you see Ji-Ho quickly closing the door and you can hear a key locking it. You and Chan fall to the ground and land quite softly since the floor is covered with pillows and everything soft.
'We are all quite done with the fight that's going on between you two.' You hear Ji-Ho yelling through the door. 'So you better work your way through it right now, or you won't have dinner.' You hear her walking away.

You and Chan lightly curse at the same time. Then, the realization hits you that Chan is laying right on top of you.
'Get off.' You say.
Chan jumps from your loud voice and quickly gets off of you. He walks to the opposite side of the room and takes a seat in the windowsill.
'They told me we were going to a Chinese restaurant.' Chan says while looking outside.
You clumsily get up and walk your way over to the windowsill as well. You sit a good distance from Chan. 'It's crazy, those are the first words you've spoken to me in 4 days.' You say.
'Yeah. And "Get off" were the first words you've spoken to me in 4 days as well.' He chuckles and you smile in response.
You both stay quiet for a while, not wanting to be the first person speaking. You hear Chan's stomach growling.
'Are you hungry?' You ask.
Chan looks at you and goes 'Yeah.'
'We made Japanese curry today.'
You can hear Chan's stomach growling even loader as you said that and you chuckle.
'Please don't talk about food anymore. It will just make it worse haha.' Chan says.
You both look away again.
'I don't hear enough talking!' You hear Changbin yelling through the door.
'Go away Changbin!' You and Chan say in unison. You look at each other and chuckle again.

'Listen Y/N-' Oh boy here it comes '-I am... sorry.'
Hearing him saying it makes your heart flutter.
'All the times I've helped you were unasked and I was selfish for expecting anything in return. I've realized that's not how 'helping someone' works.' He says shuffling a bit closer.
'I knew from the first moment I met you, I was going to feel this way about you. Knowing that, I shouldn't have done the whole thing with your job application.' He continues.
'You liked me from the start?' You ask surprised. 'From the moment I stood on your hand?'
'Well I definitely didn't like you when you stood on my hand, but then you crouched besides me. Looking at me so... caring. Complimenting me. I'm a sucker for compliments.' He smiles looking down at his feet that are dangling from the windowsill. 'You told me your name but you were still so... mysterious. I wanted to see you again. I started walking around almost every evening, hoping to run into you again. And then, I did.'
You nod remembering that Saturday-evening.
'My heart sunk to my shoes seeing you with that guy. What was his name again?'
'Sung-Ho, world's biggest asshole.' You answer.
'I like that title.' Chan chuckles. 'I saw you with Sung-Ho and I was very happy you wanted to get out of that situation. I don't think you remember, but I was scared sh*tless at the time.'
'You were scared?' You ask unbelievably 'You didn't look scared to me!'
'Yeah well that was because you were extremely drunk. Sung-ho tried to swing at me and I just jumped, dragging you along with me.'
'Yeah I definitely don't remember it like that.' You both laugh and then stay quiet for a little.
'The point is-' Chan starts again and you turn to him. '-I'm sorry about everything. You had every right to get pissed at me. And I'm so sorry you broke your leg making your way down the trail.'
'That's not your fault. I should've waited until the rains stopped. You want to know something funny?'
Chan turns to you, signaling you to continue.
'I fell on the last set of stairs of the trail. The ones all the way in the beginning. And when I hit the ground, the rain stopped and a beautiful ray of sunshine landed on my face. It was like a big 'f*ck you' from every god out there.'
Chan holds in his laugh and says 'That's actually really funny.' You slap his arm in response.

I keep running into you - Bang Chan x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora