Chapter 11: New challenge.

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This new promotion rocks. No more letting everyone tell you what to do, no more walking around with towers of americano's and no more sitting behind the wonky desk next to the water cooler. Your first day with your promotion, you have a team meeting with the rest of the makeup department. The new comeback was given a 'cool and tough' concept and your department had to come up with consistent makeup looks.

'Alright so the color palette we thought of working with mostly consists of black and red, since those are the colors Stray Kids mostly works with. There are also hints of dark blue in there. Just keep it pretty basic with the eyeshadow and eyebrows. Any suggestions anyone?' Mi-Cha, the head of makeup asks in a rather quiet conference room. No one says anything.
'Alright, then we can move on with-' You very shyly raise your hand. 'Yes Y/N?'
'I have some suggestions for the color palette.'
'Alright, indulge us.'
'Well, I've noticed that our fashion department has been incorporating the colors pink and purple a lot in their outfits which is an interesting choice since purple and pink are not really associated with 'cool and tough'. So I was thinking, what if we let Stray Kids change the meaning of those two colors. Change their meaning in something tough?'
'What do you mean exactly?' Mi-Cha asks you in a snobby tone.
'Well wouldn't it be cool that Stays can look at the colors pink and purple and immediately associate them with being powerful, tough, cool instead of associating them with shyness, sweetness and them being "Girly colors"?'
Mi-Cha and all others stay awkwardly quiet for quite a while, so you decide to continue. You explain to the department your ideas. Besides the color palette, you also want to change their usage of colored lenses and want to give each member new signature makeup elements that can be incorporated.
Mi-Cha goes 'I think these changes are too drastic. We've always done it this way. Black, red and yes colored lenses from time to time. I know that you're new here, but that doesn't mean you get to change everything immediately.' You are taken aback by the sudden harsh comments.
You try to defend yourself. Nari sees you open your mouth and you feel a slight kick to your shin. She signals you to not say anything further.
'So..' Mi-Cha looks at every person in the room stopping at your face. 'Who likes Y/N's idea?' Everyone stays quiet. You raise your hand and see Nari shyly puts her hand up as well.
'And who likes my idea?' The rest of the room raises their hands. 'Oh.' Mi-Cha says sarcastically looking at you with an evil smile.

The thing you like about being a makeup artist, is that you get to be closer to the idols. They are all very interesting, creative and have very big personalities at that. You notice that Chan's demeanor helps keep the boys calm when needed. They really view him as their leader.
'Y/N!' Chan says slapping down a hand on your desk while you were drawing out makeup looks. 'Aah!' You look up at him very scared. 'Chan you made me mess up my drawing.' You say calming down and chuckling at his suddenly worried expression.
'Sh*t I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean to.' He tries to explain while grabbing your sketchbook looking at the mess he made.
'No it's okay! Don't look-' You try to stop him from looking at your pages but it's too late.
'Wow is that me?' He says looking very intently at your drawing. You feel your cheeks warming up.
'Yeah it is. I have to draw out ideas for makeup looks remember.' You say trying to grab ahold of your sketchbook but Chan makes a sudden movement causing you to miss.
'But this is like really accurate. Did you draw this out of memory or did you take a very sneaky picture of me while I wasn't looking?'
'A weird face like yours is easy to remember.' You tease him still having a bright red color painted on your cheeks.
'No I'm pretty sure you're just a creepy stalker.' Chan says grinning at you struggling. He hands your sketchbook back to you.
'Why did you come here anyways Chan?'
'Awh am I not allowed to pay my very good friend a visit at their desk?'
'No. Now spill it.' Chan obediently continues
'Alright. I was just wondering if you would like to take a listen to some music I made and give your opinion.'
'Well my shift is almost over and I was actually planning on going home...' Chan looks at you with his dark brown eyes pouting his lips.
'Pleaseeeee?' 'Okay, but not because you're making that face. Please don't look at me like that ever again.'

Chan guides you into a bright green room with a big screen, keyboard and multiple music related instruments scattered over the room. Multiple cups of coffee laying around his desk.
'Oh sorry I forgot to clean up.' Chan says shoving the cups into a tiny trash bin. 'Alright you can take a seat right here.' He says pointing to a black couch behing the office chair on which you take place.
Chan turns around to look at you. 'Alright, what I'll be playing is still a work in progress. So be easy on me.' He turns around again and presses on the spacebar. You hear a very catchy drum composition and heavy base tones coming in now and then which you can feel in your chest. At what you're assuming to be the chorus, the music gets a bit softer and you can hear some samples coming in.
'So what do you think?'
'It honestly sounds really great. It's very catchy and something I can immediately recognize 'Stray Kids' in.'
'The only thing I would change right now, is the samples you used. I don't really like the way they sound. Maybe use some samples from traditional Korean music? Since you guys often incorporate Korean traditional stuff in music videos and clothing, which I think is very cool.'
'That's actually a great tip.' Chan says surprised.
'Also, can I try something with your drum composition?'
'Uh.. Go ahead.' Chan allows you to sit in the office chair and experiment with the drum composition on his laptop.
'I noticed that you don't use your toms as much which in my opinion, adds so much to a drum composition. It would also be cool to put in a crash every now and then.'
You can feel Chan staring at your face again. You press the space bar and the new drum composition plays.
'Where did you learn about drums?'
'I've had drum lessons for about 5 years back home. I quit when I turned 17 since I barely had time for music anymore. I still don't know that much about drums though.'
'Well you know more than the average person Y/N.' Chan says smiling at you.
You guys continue talking about music and it appears you have more in common than you thought.
'It's crazy. I feel like you know more about hiphop than me.' Chan says throwing his head back in his chair.
'Judging from this conversation, that isn't too hard.' You say smiling sheepishly at him. He stares at your face for a few seconds staying totally quiet. It makes you very nervous so you quickly go
'Wow look at the time! We have been talking so long, Ji-Ho will be so pissed at me.'
'Ah let me walk you home, it's dark out.'
'That's very nice but you don't have to.'
'No really, I insist. Besides, your apartment is on route of how I get to my dorm so it's really no problem.'
You look at him for a moment and then give in. 'Alright then let's go.' You say.
'Woohoo!' Chan screams out suddenly lifting you and throwing you over his shoulder. 'CHAN STO-'

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