Chapter 17: What would you like?

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As a key makeup artist, you also find it important to gain feedback and input from others. Most importantly, the idols. It's important that they indicate what they're comfortable with. So that's exactly what you're doing today. The boys were recording for their album today and you've managed to cram in some time with them. You've scheduled tiny meetings with each member in a comfortable setting; drinking coffee in the cafetaria.

First up, Lee Know.
'Hi Lee Know, please have a seat.' You nod at the chair in front of you.
'Hi Y/N. I've heard you wanted to chat with me?' He smirks.
'Well, not only you of course..'
'Ah so with Bang Chan as well.'
'Uhh yeah Bang Chan will also have his turn, but what I wanted to speak with you about, was the makeup looks we are planning on putting on all of your lovely faces.'
'What's there to talk about? Just slap them on my face right?' He jokes. You sigh.
'Oh my god Lee Know. Alright, is there something you're not comfortable with.. Makeup-wise. Like, a heavy lip or heavy eyeshadow? Maybe you're not a fan of eyeliner?'
Lee Know raises his eyebrows. 'You actually want input from us?
'Well yeah of course. It's all about you guys. So please, what makeup may I not slap on your face.' You smile as you show you are intently listening.
Lee Know continues to tell you he likes looking very masculine. Nothing too heavy on the lips, he's fine with any eye makeup as long as it makes him look more tough than cute.
'Alright, that was it. Thanks for your time Lee Know.'
'You're welcome Y/N. Bye bye.'

Next up, I.N.
'Hi Y/N!' He yells from a few meters away.
'Haha hi I.N.' You two give each other a fist bump.
'Lee Know told me that we get to give you input in the makeup stuff.'
'Exactly. So is there anything you'd like to try?'
I.N. continues to tell you that there are many things he'd like to try. He really liked the scar makeup with glitter. He really likes the shape of his eyes, so if there's a way to make them more fox-like, he'd like that.
'Alright I.N., that's it.'
'No is our chat over already?'
'Alright bye Y/N.' He gives you another fist bump.

Next up, Changbin.
'What's up Y/N!'
'If it isn't my favorite boy Changbin!' You say with the same excitement.
'Isn't Bang Chan your favorite boy?'
'He's right below you in that category.'
'Nice.' Changbin smiles widely.
'So I assume you already know what we're chatting about today?'
'Yes! And I also already know what I want.'
Changbin tells you he'd like to try different eye colors this comeback. He tells you that the differently colored lenses from the God's Menu was something he really liked. He still wants it to look natural though. Also anything that can make him even more handsome, if it's possible.
'Oh no Chanbin. I don't think there's a way to make you more handsome!'
'I know right. Nice speaking with you Y/N. Maybe you and that Ji-Ho girl can come over for dinner one time? Han, Hyunjin and Chan would like it as well.'
'Oh that sounds like a plan! Bye bye Changbin.'

Next up, Felix.
'Hi sweet Y/N!'
'Hello cutie. Nice to see you.'
'Nice to see you as well. It's so cool that you're so active in processing our feedback and input into the makeup.'
'Well yeah of course. As your new key makeup artist, I have to do a good job huh.'
'Wow look at you!' Felix smiles at you with the brightest smile.
He tells you that he's honestly fine with everything. You can do whatever. You do though state that you've read online that most people think Felix looks intimidating at first, since they've always put such tough makeup on his face. You'd like to give him a bit more cute makeup looks this comeback to change that. You also offered a cut back in colored lenses since he has very cute eyes and the blue lenses have been used so many times.
'You've really done your research huh?'
'Yep, I did Felix.'
'You're doing a great job honestly, keep it up.' He says which just melts your heart.
He makes you stand up for a hug and you both say goodbye.

Next up, Han.. Oh no.
'AYO Y/N!' Han screams from across the cafeteria.
'Hi Han. Keep it down a little will ya?' You chuckle.
'Sorry! Hi Y/N.' He whispers now.
'Alright Han. What would you like?'
'For you and Ji-Ho to come over for dinner. Everyone in our dorm disc-'
'Yes I know. I already said yes to that. I meant, what would you like makeup-wise?'
'Oh that.'
Han tells you that he really likes blue lenses and he would like some scars from time to time. Nothing too cute.
'I saw that some Stays online really liked you with piercings.. like and eyebrow piercing and such.'
'Well if the Stays like it, I like it!' Han says proudly.
'Alright, consider it done Han. You are allowed to go now.'
'Awh can't I stay for a little longer?'
'Haha... No. Byeeee.'
'Bye bye Y/N.'

Next up, Hyunjin.
'Well hello Y/N.' Hyunjin says to you with a smile.
'Hi hi Hyunjin.' You get up to give him a hug.
As you sit down you notice Hyunjin has his sketchbook with him.
'Ah have you been drawing in the studio?' You ask him.
'No actually-' he opens it up. 'I heard we were going to talk about makeup. Will you be able to make something on my face inspired by this?'
He shows you a drawing he did of multiple flowers with beautiful colors.
'Oh that's very nice! I can definitely incorporate some colors, we actually have a strict color palette but for you I'll make an exception. I you'd like, we could also do something with flowers on your face. I'd just have to brainstorm with Nari about that.'
'That sounds awesome Y/N. As long as you can make me look pretty, that's all that matters.'
'Well that won't be a problem Hyunjin.' You smile at him and he smiles back.
'Alright that's all for our talk Hyunjin.'
'And what a great talk it has been. By the way, we wanted to invite you and that other girl-.'
'-Over for dinner?' You say finishing his sentence.
He looks at you surprised.
'Yeah we'd love to.' You say.
 You guys hug again and he leaves.

Almost done, Seungmin's turn.
'Hi Y/N.' He says from behind you all of the sudden, scaring you.
'Oh sorry did I scare you?
'A little, but I forgive you Seungmin.'
'So what kind of makeup would you and wouldn't you like?'
Seungmin tells you that he likes to stay very masculine. He doesn't like the look of lenses, only if they look very natural. Just anything to make his eyes look good and maybe a tiny scar here and there.
'You very clearly know what you want Seungmin, I like it.' You smile writing it all down.
'Yeah I do... Can I ask you a question Y/N?'
'Yeah of course Seungmin.' Why does he have to make it sound so official and formal. It makes you nervous.
'Do you have any indication on how Bang Chan's doing? Since you two spend so much time together.'
'Do we really spend that much time together?' You wonder out loud.
'I mean, Chan talks about you all the time, so I just assumed you guys spend a lot of time together.'
'I have been spending time with him in the studio more than before, the last few weeks.'
'So how is he holding up Y/N? I know Chan can get a little stressed from time to time.'
'To be honest Seungmin, he is not doing very good. Very little sleep, very much caffeine, stressing A LOT and I get the feeling he doesn't head back to his dorm very often. Probably only to shower.' You say.
'I see.' Seungmin says furrowing his eyebrows in concern.
'Is there someone you can contact about this?' you ask Seungmin.
'Yeah I think I'll contact our manager, but I'm pretty sure Chan doesn't listen to him very often. Maybe you could also talk to him about it. Have you spoken with him today?'
'He's coming over here in a few minutes, I'll talk with him about it then.'
'Thank you so much Y/N.' Seungmin says grabbing your hand and smiling at you grateful.
'Of course, thank you for informing me Seungmin. Our talk is done.'
'Very nice talking with you Y/N. I'll be on my way now.' Seungmin waves you goodbye.

Okay... Next up; Bang Chan.

I keep running into you - Bang Chan x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang