Chapter 12: Surprise!

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'Just look at that view.' You say to Chan while you both step into the elevator.
'What view?'
'Seoul! Don't you think it's pretty?'
You feel Chan looking at you again.'Yeah.. I guess I really like the view too.' You look at him and he quickly looks away.
'What is it with the combination of Chan and elevators? He always acts so weird. Is it because we're in a tinier and more private space?' You think to yourself.

You two step outside to the cold autumn breeze and you squeeze your upper body in an attempt to create more warmth.
'Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?'
'NO! You know it would kill me if you got a cold right now, right before your comeback. We can't be having a sick Bang Chan performing can we?'
'Alright, then I guess this will do.' He says opening his oversized jacket, pulling out one arm and holding the left side of his jacket over your shoulders while walking against you. You look at him confused.
'Put your arm through the hole.'
'Uhm alright and then?' You put your arm through the hole. Now you can Chan are wearing the jacket together but still very clumsily walking next to each other.
'What do I do with my other arm?' You ask him.
'You do this.' He says while he wraps his arm around your waist which catches you off guard. You process the sudden touch of his muscular arm and then proceed to return the favor. You wrap your arm around his waist and you can feel his body heat through his t-shirt.
'And now to finish it all up, we need to close the zipper together.' You both succeed in closing the zipper.
'It's crazy that your jacket is big enough to hold the both of us.'
'I guess I'm just built very big.' Chan brags jokingly. You both pass a glass building and you suddenly burst out in laughing looking at your reflection.
'What?' Chan asks looking at the reflection bursting out in laughter as well.
'We look so stupid!' You say with tears in your eyes.
'I think I'm gonna pee my pants!' Chan laughs.
'No please don't! We're in this jacket together remember!'

'Alright this is me.' You say as you guys reach your apartment. You unzip yourself out of the large jacket and immediately feeling the cold breeze again.
'Wait I want to say hi to Ji-Ho. It has been a long time since I've seen her.' Chan says.
'See Ji-Ho? Did something happen between them that one night?' You think to yourself but very quickly dismissing any paranoid thoughts.
'Yeah sure, come in Chan.' You fumble with your keys, open the door and walk up the stairs to a completely dark apartment which is unusual. You hear footsteps shuffling around
'Wait Chan, something is not right.' You whisper to him. You hold your hands out in front of you, ready for whatever or whoever could attack you. The lights get turned on, you hear a loud bang and feel tiny particles landing on your face. You hear multiple people screaming 'SURPRISE!' You finally process what exactly is happening and see all your newly made Korean friends, coworkers and Ji-Ho standing around with happy expressions on their face and drinks in their hands. There's music playing in the background and one by one people come to give you a hug and congratulate you on your promotion.
Ji-Ho walks up to you and asks 'Were you really just ready to smack one of us?'
'I mean yeah of course. I thought we were getting robbed.' You say still with a shocked expression on your face.
Ji-Ho turns to Chan and goes 'Thanks for getting Y/N here Chan. I owe you one.'
You turn to Chan and the realization hits you 'Oh my god.. "Take a listen at my music Y/N. I want to hear your opinion."' You say to Chan smacking his shoulder. 'That was all just so the people here could decorate everything huh?'
Chan grins at you 'Yup. But I did really appreciate your tips. I might ask you to come over to the studio more often.'
You smile at the idea. You grab his hand dragging him further into the apartment saying 'Now let's get some drinks going up in here!'

Then follows an evening full of partying. You guys play drinking games and dance till you can no longer stand on your feet. Even Chan partakes in the activities.
'I usually don't drink, but then again I rarely get invited to surprise parties like these.' He says clinking his beer against yours, looking into your eyes intensely. You hide your blushing by gulping a big sip of your beer.
The longer the night continues, the more buzzed both you and Chan get. You both have a similar tolerance to alcohol apparently. The more buzzed you get, the more distance you keep from Chan. You feel like that's the best thing for the both of you.
Chan sits down on your couch and you see he has a rather sad expression on his face. You hesitate, but end up making your way over to him, put your face very closely to his and say way too loud
'Come! Let's get some fresh air on the balcony.' You drag him by the hand again and he manages to grab his jacket with him last minute.
'Why'd you want to go to the balcony Y/N?'
'You seemed.. upset in there. Is everything okay?' You ask dodging his question. Because honestly, you took him to the balcony since it's the most private. But you wouldn't dare to say that to him.
'Yeah I don't really know why. I've just been very stressed about our comeback lately which is absolutely normal. I just feel like I should be working on music right now instead of partying. I feel like I'm being very lazy.' Chan says zipping open his jacket and covering the both of you in it.
'Come on Chan. Just because you're letting yourself go one night, doesn't mean you've landed on the path of laziness. To be honest, everyone I know at JYP says you're the most hardworking person they know. And I agree! The passion you have for music and the time you take for it is very inspiring, but also a bit worrying. We don't want you to overwork yourself. No one wants you to.'
Chan looks in front of him, not really replying. He's probably processing everything you said.
'I wonder why you work this hard. Is it because you don't want to disappoint your fans? Or yourself?'
Chan finally says something 'I guess it's mostly me convincing myself that if I don't work hard, I'll disappoint literally everyone. The fans, my group, my family, everyone at JYP, myself... you.'
'How on earth can you disappoint me? I admire you so much and right now I would like to admire a Chan that lets himself go a little and doesn't think about work for one night.' You say trying to make eye contact which you usually refrain yourself from.
'So.. You would like for me to let loose? Let go a little?' Chan asks.
You hum in affirmation.
'I guess, this also counts as letting loose then.' Chan says turning to you his face getting closer and closer. 'Wait, what do you-'

I keep running into you - Bang Chan x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin