Chapter 9: Weird dreams.

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You break free from the embrace and ask 'What do you mean?'
Chan takes off his beanie shaking his light brown hair a bit loose. You stare at him for a few seconds before realizing.
'OOH YOU ARE THE BANG CHAN GUY. OH WAIT, BANG CHAN.. CHAN.' You say making Chan laugh.
'I can't believe I didn't recognize you right away.' You say feeling your face turn red from embarrassment. 
'It's alright Y/N. I look different when wearing my makeup. I look prettier I guess.' Chan says.
'Shut up.' You say slapping him on the arm. 'You are beautiful either way.' You say turning your face away to prevent Chan from seeing it turning red again.
'Well I should start cleaning up this mess.' You say quickly.
'I'll help you.' Chan says collecting a few brushes already.
'No Chan. In a way, I work for you. And I get the feeling Do-Yun will be pissed off if she figures out you helped me.'
'Lalala I can't hear youuu.' Chan says.
'Oh my god you are so stubborn.'
Chan helps you clean everything and shows you how to do it correctly. 'I've seen people clean the makeup-studio so many times that I can do this in my sleep.' Chan says.
'I forgot to thank you for helping me last week. What you did was very nice and I feel so bad for making you-' Chan stops your rant by putting his hands on both your shoulders and looking deeply in your eyes. His hands are very warm and his eyes are reflecting the lights of the vanity's.
You feel like he's standing there for ages, looking at you, before talking. 'Don't blame yourself for what happened. I think we were meant to meet each other again that night..' He says removing his hands from your shoulders looking away.
'Also, I'm just so incredibly strong so it was easy peasy carrying you.' He says with a sassy tone in his voice.
You decide to tease him back. 'Uhm' You say pinching his upper arm. 'What muscles are you talking about exactly?'

You guys finish and lock up all the different studios. You both enter the elevator.
'So.. Where are you headed?' Chan asks you.
'Some coworkers offered to get drinks at a nearby bar. Why?' You answer.
'Nothing really.. I was just..' He stammers.
You look at him questionable and he says. 'Never mind. Just don't drink as much as last time huh. I can't be around at all times to carry you to your apartment.' He says grinning at you.
'Oh stop it. Next time, I'll ask a random stranger to carry me then.' You joke.
'Just in case, here's my personal phone number. Like.. for emergencies and stuff.' Chan hands you a tiny piece of paper. It catches you off guard.
'Oh thank you Chan. I'll cherish it forever.' You say sarcastically and you notice Chan getting shy for some reason.
You part ways at the entrance as you both need to walk in different directions. You look back one time and see Chan also stopping to turn around. Right before he can see you, you turn you head back again and start walking. 'That was a close one.' You think to yourself.

You have a great night at the bar with your new coworkers. You are able to talk about fashion, hair and styling the whole night.
'It's so great to work with like minded people. You guys actually try and want to create.. well.. art!' You say excitedly.
Dan-Bi says 'I'm sure you'll be styling soon enough. Do-Yun always likes to make her errand runners' life's a little bit miserable in the beginning, but if you do well enough, she'll definitely promote you. I actually heard her compliment you today when you weren't around.'
'She did?' You say. That honestly really surprises you.
At around 11 PM you decide to walk back home. You decided to be a wise person for once and held back with your drinking resulting in you only being a little tipsy.

When arriving home you decide to text Bang Chan.

'Well. I didn't need anyone to carry me this time :P Are you proud of me yet? This is Y/N by the way.'
'I figured I haven't had to carry that many people lately. I am extremely proud of you. Had fun with your coworkers?'
'Yes it was so fun. I can't wait till I get to style instead of being an errand runner.'
'You're expecting me to trust YOU with my hair, makeup and outfits? :P'
'You're expecting that I want to do YOUR hair, makeup and outfits? :P You have some cute members in your group.. just saying'
'Wow. Bye :('
'Lol sorry. See you next week!'
'Yes see you soon!'
Chan ends the conversation.

You end up dreaming very vividly that night. You dream that you're back at Naru park. This time it's completely empty. Like you're the only person in Seoul. You sit besides the water again. Suddenly you see Bang Chan and you chatting.
He takes your hand and leads you to the water. You make some scared noises and when your feet touch the water, it turns out you can stand on it. You and Bang Chan very swiftly make your way to the middle of the little lake and Bang Chan starts laying on the service in a star position, looking to the night sky. You sit besides him and suddenly, there are no surroundings anymore. No buildings, no park, just you and him sitting on water and a big starry sky. You look to your left and Bang Chans face is very close all of the sudden. Those eyes, it's always those eyes. You feel like you're getting sucked into them, quite literally. The galaxy, so beautiful. Your faces get closer and closer. You feel him putting his warm hands on your lower back and the side of your face. You put your hands alongside his face and you just get closer and closer tilting your head. The sight of stars disappear as you're closing your eyes. Warmth brushes against your face. Something soft and pleasant on your lips. Something heavy on your chest, what is this?
'Y/N wake up! You promised me we'd go shopping today.' A whiny Ji-Ho says laying on top of you.
'Uhm.. Ji-Ho shut uuuuuuup..' You say planting your face in your pillow.
'Alright, we're playing this game huh?' Ji-Ho says. She walks up to your window.
'No, don't you dare.' You say following her with your eyes. Ji-Ho opens up the curtains in one fast movement and the sunlight beams on your face like a laser. 'AAAAAAH-'

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