Flashback three

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" 2011, 7 years old Naila"

It was Saturday and her mother Nadia and her boyfriend Max were sitting in the kitchen, drinking alcohol. again. They were doing it a lot. not only on the weekends, even on the weekdays when Naila needs to go to school. Sometimes her mother doesn't hear her alarm clock and Naila comes late to class.

She always gets in trouble with her teachers because of that.

As they were drinking like usual in the kitchen, Naila was laying in her bed trying to sleep. which she couldn't because of the loud noises from the kitchen. Naila's bedroom is next to the kitchen. and because the walls in Nailas flat are all very thin, she can hear everything that was happening outside her room. As Naila tried to close her eyes again, she heard a loud crash and weird sounds. her eyes grew wide as she realized what was happening again and jumped out of her loft bed. how much she hated this bed. she ran to the door, pulled it open, and saw her mother and may beating each other up. Naila was panicking. " STOP" she screamed, trying to get their attention. but like usual it doesn't do anything. She tried to get between them but they ignored her and continued to shout, scream, kick and hit each other like wild animals. there is already so much blood. Naila tried again and again to stop them, but nothing worked. like she doesn't even exist. the only thing she can think of is calling the police. again. she is pretty sure that she is already known by the police, from calling them almost every couple of days.

But like always as the police came they were, especially her mother, furious with nisrin. They told the police that nothing happened and that everything was alright. like always. Naila couldn't help but shake the entire time. She is always shaking and her heart is jumping wildly in her chest. she can't explain why she is shaking so damn much and why she can't breathe. it happens to her all the time. As the police left, Naila got shouted at and hit for calling the police.

Naila only wanted to help. Was that wrong?

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