Flashback six

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" 2017, 12 years old Naila "

Naila was at one of her friends' houses, Zahra. Nailas father was friends with Zahra's dad. Zahra is Arabic too. She is a bit older than Nabila. fifteen or sixteen. Zahra liked to play with Naila. She really liked her. and because she really liked Naila she was sad when Naila told her that she needs to go home now because it's getting dark outside. Naila doesn't live far away. Zahra was her grandparents' neighbor. and because they all lived in a little village, they all lived not far away from each other.

Naila was about to open Zahra's front door, to make her way home.

Suddenly the door was pushed closed and Zahra locked the door. Naila turned to Zahra with wide eyes and confusion. " What are you doing? I need to go" Naila didn't want to leave either, but she knew if she didn't leave now, her mother would not only ground her but hit her too. and nisrin didn't want that. was that selfish?

Zahra didn't seem to see the issue and said " let's play a little longer, don't leave just yet". Zahra didn't want Naila to go home. she wanted to hang out with her a little more. but Naila wasn't having it. she needed to go home. She tried and even begged. She literally begged her friend to let her go and said that they can play tomorrow again if she wants to.

but Zahra didn't let her go and went to her bedroom. Naila was already over an hour late and was scared of what would happen when she got home. over an hour Naila was standing

next to the door and waiting for Zahra to open it. after another twenty minutes, Zahra's father was coming back from work. Naila thought that she could finally go home. she thought wrong. The minute Zahra's father came in, the door was locked again by none other than Zahra. At this point, Naila thought that Zahra was kind of obsessed with her. why wouldn't she let her go? Naila tried to tell Zahra's dad that his daughter wouldn't let her go home. but he doesn't speak German and Nailas Arabic is not that great because she was raised by her mother, so she mostly only spoke german. Naila could understand Arabic, but talking was a little bit difficult for her. she could talk, but only to an extended level.

Naila was trying not to cry. It was already 10 PM...her mother is going to kill her. after five minutes the doorbell rang. hope-filled Nailas body, hope that she can finally leave. and she was right. her aunt was standing outside Zahra's door.

"Naila do you know how furious your mother is? you're in big trouble when you get home"

of course, that was the first thing that left Kiras' mouth. As Naila was about to answer with a snarky remark, the door was closed again. Zahra stood there and blocked the way.

"Zahra, I need to go. didn't you hear what my aunt said?" Naila was getting frustrated. why couldn't she let her leave?

" I will come back, okay?" Naila tried to convince her to let her go.

" Do you promise that when I open the door you will come back later?" Zahra asked with a serious-sounding voice.

"Yeah, yes I will. I just need to tell my mom"

Naila would not come back again.

She saw a side from Zahra she never wanted to see again. she practically kept her hostage.

as Zahra opened her front door, Naila looked at Zahra and smiled a little, just to show that everything was okay. as she walked over the doorstep, she never felt a feeling like that before.

Zahra is crazy. it was like she was obsessed with Naila.

that she is. but Naila will find that out soon enough.

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