Flashback eight

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" 2018, 13 years old Naila"

it was probably around 6 AM, and Naila was still awake because her mother and Chris had decided to get drunk. what a surprise. Naila felt her anxiety rising but she tried to keep herself calm and watched Netflix.

nothing happened that night, but she still couldn't sleep, so she went to the kitchen to get something to drink. It looked like her mother was already sleeping. Thank god. Naila finally had one weekend without something going wrong. as she's standing in front of the fridge, trying to think if she wanted to eat something, she felt a hand inside her pants, touching her butt. At first, she didn't realize it and then she didn't quite register what was happening till the hand was gone and she saw Chris looking at her. She looked at him and didn't really know what just happened.

" Oh shit, I thought you were your mother"

He left her standing there dumbfounded. nisrin was still standing there, at the same spot, and just stared ahead. She took her drink, closed the fridge, and went to her bed again.

What just happened?

She can't remember when or how this conversation started but after a few months, she told her mother about the incident that happened that morning.

her mother was about to cry. Nadia and Chris were fighting at the moment and if what Naila told her is true, what is she going to do?

"was he drunk or was he sober, Naila?" Nadia needed to know.

Naila looked at her mother and didn't know what to say. he was drunk. She knew that he was, but she didn't want him to get in trouble and thought if she said that he was sober, it wouldn't be bad.

Little did she know that she did the complete opposite of what she wanted to do.

Her mother confronted him. after a few minutes Naila heard Chris going inside her room and said

" I know you hate me but you can't just make something up like that!!"

Naila looked at him confused. Was he telling her that she was lying? why would she do that? yes, she didn't like him but she wouldn't lie about something like that.

"What are you talking about? I'm not lying." Naila was slowly standing up from her bed and went to the kitchen where her mother was.

"Naila are you sure that this happened? don't lie!" her mother said to an annoyed-looking Naila.

" Why would I lie? I know he didn't want to do that, but it happened!" Naila was getting mad. What is happening? Why is she the one who gets blamed? Why are they confronting her?

Suddenly she sees Chris in front of her mother on his knees, "crying" and saying that he didn't do it and that he isn't some pedophile.

In the end, her mother didn't believe Naila and everything went back to normal.

Dear diaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora