Chapter 13

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Shattered. Utterly destroyed. Demolished. Glass shards covered the table, pieces coating the remainder of our dinner. The torn football slowly spinning, resting upon the mess it helped create. Destruction is something I have excelled at over the years, it is truly something I consider to be a gift. From punching bags to TVs to empty beer bottles left behind by our mother and her 'friends', all demolished easily. But a laptop, that's not something I've ever dared break. And after seeing the look on Alexander's face, I don't think I ever will.
Most people who are mad get red, their fists clench, and normally some questionable language slips out. Alexander was the opposite. Looking at him you wouldn't realize he was mad at all, that is until you look at his eyes. Pure rage brewed within them, anger lighting a fire in his frigid blue eyes. Alexander stood at the head of the table, the remains of his laptop in his hands, glaring Declan down. Elijah stood behind Alex, covering his mouth to hide the noise of his laughter. Connor and Carter were whispering to each other, money switching back and forth in their hands, muttered notions of Declan's 'odds of survival' being discussed.  Briella was tucked under my arm, the slight shiver running through her body told me she recognized this type of anger. The anger we normally saw in Him.
Declan looked terrified, though he tried not to show it. However, the averted eye contact paired with his pale and sweaty figure truly showed his fear. "Oops... No hard feelings man." He chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. The fact that cocky, headstrong, cold Declan was attempting to brush away the situation showed how dire the stakes were.
Alexander's jaw clenched as he took a step towards his ashamed half-brother. "Run." One quiet, deadly word was spoken. One word that had Declan flat out sprinting as he jumped off the deck and ran around the side of the house. One word that had Alexander slowly, casually walking forward; stalking his prey without a care in the world.
I glanced around the porch, studying my... well, my siblings, to determine if I should intervene. They gave me my answer as one by one Elijah, Connor, and Carter all went inside. Glancing down at my clearly worried sister, giving her a soft smile, as I directed us both into the house.
We all went inside to wait out, what Connor labeled it as, 'World War 25', the 25th of many other wars fought and won by Alexander. Based on the screams we heard over the next few hours as we watched Beauty and The Beast, Briella's choice, Alexander was once again winning.

Me and Dax layed out on my bed, basking in the warm glow from the fairy lights strung around my room. Dax sat leaning against the headboard as he scrolled through our phone, his eyes darting across the screen. My head rested in his lap, my feet dangling over the edge of my bed as enjoyed the silence. After watching a movie with the twins, Dax and I were able to escape to my room and just relax for the first time in a while. The peace was nice in a quite bizarre way.
"I found a club." My eyes met Dax's as he ran his hand through my hair. "Tonights an open ring, anyones allowed to fight and earn a spot on the roster."
I looked away, unable to meet his hopeful face. "D-do you really n-need to fight again-n?"
A sigh, he pressed lightly on my shoulder, urging me to sit up. I leaned against the bed frame beside him and pulled my knees to my chest as I prepared myself for the inevitable.
"I know things seem different now, especially with everything that's happened... but we should still stay on track. This money is for us, our future. We can't give up just cause some wealthy family members took us in."
My eyes met his as he rambled. He was right of course, like always; however, I know him better than this. "And?"
"And...." He met my watchful gaze and rolled his eyes as he stood from the bed and faced me. "And I need to fight, I haven't been in the ring in a solid week. You know it's how I cope."
My hand grasped his as I moved off the bed as well. "I know... I j-just wish there-e was a b-better way to do th-this."
Dax smiled and kissed my forehead. "It's a win-win situation for us. Plus I'm just giving you some more experience Ms. Wannabe Doctor."
His happy expression led me to bite my tongue and allow him to rush to his room to get ready. I quickly began rifling through my lone duffle bag, opening a side pouch to reveal my first aid kit. Scrambling over to the bathroom I laid out bandages, salve, and other supplies I knew would be needed later.
At the sound of footsteps in the hallway, I froze, only to smile as I heard Daxtons heavy steps followed by the sound of my door opening.
"What a-about our bro-brothers?" I asked as I worked on disinfecting my needles in case stitches would be needed later.
"They should be asleep by now."
Turning to continue our pre-fight ritual, I began wrapping his wrists and hands in long strips of fabric. "And how will-l you g-get there?"
    "Connor was bragging about his bike earlier and happened to mention where the family garage is. I'll just borrow something from there."
Hands prepared, I exited the bathroom and grabbed his water bottle off of my new dresser.
"C-can I com-me?"
Silence followed before he grabbed the bottle from my hands and bent down to meet my eyes. "Not today... I don't want you to come till I know how safe this new place is." Noticing my drooping expression, he hugged me tight and said, "I'll only be gone for an hour or two, and you will be safe here."
I was squeezed tight again. "I promise."
The club was nice. It stood as another office building with a bright city. Doors open for entry only for bodyguards to wait inside what looked like a basic office building, secretaries desk to boot. That's where I entered, said the secret code I found off the shady fighting sight I won the privilege to be a part of.  I was soon led beyond the double doors into the main club after a slight detour to sign up for a fight.
Bright lights flashed and music blasted through the open room. To my left stood a long bar, numerous people crowding to order drinks. To my right, a large dance floor with all ages of people dancing with as little clothing on as possible. I pushed through the crowd as I walked to the fighting rink. The large ring was surrounded by wire fencing that stretched to the roof. Above it was VIP seating areas where overlookers peered down and placed bets.
Television screens hung down, playing footage of the fight occurring. Two newbies, desperately trying to land a punch. Quite boring if you ask me. I wormed my way through the crowds to benches walled off, the one I'm walking towards labeled for fighter one, who will soon be me. Across from my bench, on the other side of the ring, sat another bench for the second fighter. It stood empty unlike my bench, which I came to sit on as I began to stretch. Pulling off my hoodie I smiled as the two weaklings were finally kicked out of the rink. The announcer's voice boomed as he riled the crowds up for the next fight, my fight.
"And now, a brand new fighter who is coming here for some action after tearing apart the New York competition.... Daxton!" At the sound of my name, I walked through the entrance into the ring. People cheered as I stood in the center and pulled off my hoodie. Tossing it to the side I stood on the x etched in the floor. I never bothered to flex like some bozos who just wanted attention. I came here to win a fight, not win the crowd over.
"On the other side of the ring, we have a surprise entry... A generous benefactor has volunteered his younger brother to fight today. The silent but violent man we know and love... I give you Declan!"
    Out they walked, Alexander dragged a bloody Declan by the arm. He pulled the bruised Declan to his own starting x before looking up in shock to see me. He gasped and stared at me for a moment before schooling his feature and walking out, leaving me no chance to respond. Declan looked up at me as the gates closed, locking us in the ring till the fight was deemed over.
He didn't bother to hide my shock as I did the same. My shock not stemming from this unfortunate situation were both in, but the bruises coating his face, arms, and bare chest.
"Dax? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Me?" I questioned. "Why are you here? And what the hell happened to you?"
He shrugged as he spit some blood on the floor. "My punishment... If I beat the crap out of Alexander's computer, why not have all the fighters in the club beat the crap out of me?"
"Tough man."
We both jumped as the announcer's voice boomed above us. "Let the fight begin!"
I glanced up, cringing at the yelling, bloodthirsty crowd. Maybe that's why I didn't notice Declan move before his fist slammed into my face.
"What the hell?" I yelled as I stumbled back, cradling my flaming face.
"Sorry but I've lost way too many fights tonight... Plus we won't be able to leave unless we give them a good show." He shrugged before pointing to where Alexander sat above us in a VIP zone, his knuckles turning white as he clutched the railing. "Even jerkface knows it."
"Fine," I grumbled in response." In that case-"
    I struck. Charging forward I slammed Declan to the ground, his head clunking painfully on the floor. "That's it," He yelled before jumping up, rage filling his eyes.
We fought. He elbowed my side, I shoved him back. I kicked him hard in the chest, he began attempting to bash my face in. We wove around the ring, pouches, and kicks being exchanged as we both slowly stopped pulling our punches and began to give it our all as we both wanted to know who was stronger.
With my adrenaline flying high, I caught his left hook hurtling towards my side, tightly clutched his wrist, and threw Declan over my shoulder. He fell to the ground.
"Alright fine..." He mumbled as he got on his hands and knees. "Just knock me out alre-" Before he could finish the sentence I kicked him hard, his head snapping back as my strike to his temple knocked him out quickly.
"And we have a winner!!! Give it up for Daxton!!!"
The gates opened as the crowd went mad. Two men loaded Declan onto a stretcher and carted him away. I followed them before a bodyguard ushered me off to an elevator. Going up to the second floor in silence, I cracked my knuckles and prepared myself for the worst.
Walking out I found myself on one of the VIP floors. Men in sleek suits sat around, skimpily dressed women seated on their laps as they clapped at my entrance. Spotting Alexander sitting at a nearby table, drink in hand, I made my way over to him, requesting a shot of vodka from a nearby waitress on the way.
The minute my body collapsed in the seat he set an envelope on the table before me.
"Your winnings."
"Thanks," I responded, unsure what his blank expression meant in turns of his feelings regarding me being here.
"Care to explain?"
"What's there to explain?" I paused to gulp down the bitter alcoholic beverage the waitress brought over before continuing. "I'm a fighter. I found out this was a good fight club. I fought. And I won."
    "You could explain why you thought it necessary to fight in the first place, to steal my favorite car, and beat the shit out of your step-brother."
I smiled at his even tone, barely hiding his rage that seemed to be growing by the minute. "Alright fine man, you want the truth?" Seeing his nod I explained, "Me and Bri had it rough, I learned how to fight and win fast and saw it as a way to earn us some cash. Plus Connor rambled about the family garage so I figured since I'm family you wouldn't mind me borrowing a car."
"And now?"
"Now...What?" I questioned, confused by his question.
"Why are you fighting now?"
"It's what I'm used to. Helps me burn off energy and keep my cool. Plus, why should I trust you guys to provide for me and Briella? You guys haven't helped us out at all till now. I can't depend on you. I can depend on my skill to get us the money we need when we need it." Realizing the rushed sentences I spoke, my voice rising as my frustration did, I stopped and stared at Alexander, waiting for his reaction.
He glanced out around the room, before meeting my eyes and showing me a small smile. "That's fair." My eyebrows raised on their own as I processed his reaction. "As long as you don't drive off with my favorite ride, and make sure to let us know when you're fighting, I have no problem with you earning some cash."
He merely nodded. "You can go grab Declan from the second door on your left and take him home. I'm sure you can patch him up," he stated in a slightly curious tone.
"I can't but Bri certainly can."
He gave me another half nod as he thought through my words. I stood and began to walk away from the table before his words made me pause my steps. "Just so you know, we would have helped if we knew you existed."
My eyes widened as I turned to question his statement only to be stopped in my tracks as I saw he too had walked off and was speaking with another businessman.
So I walked away, as his words replayed in an endless loop in my head.
"Some fight!" Nicholai cheered as he watched Daxton finally knock Declan out. "Man I know Dax seemed all tough in the cell, but dang! He's got some skill."
Daxton walked out of the ring as I returned my focus to Nicholai. He was practically bouncing in his seat, his energy spontaneously rubbing off on all those around us in this VIP box, myself included. I nodded as I gulped down another shot and smiled slightly as my vision blurred.
"I can't wait to see you fight him! The club's best fighter versus New Yorks's finest. You'll do it right... Mikhail?" He questioned as I swayed in my seat. Probably wasn't the best idea to come here with the intent to get wasted, but I needed this. I need something to get her eyes out of my mind.
"Course," I grumble as I slouch back, no longer caring to hold the pretense of decent posture.
"Man she really did a number on you huh."
My brows rise as I processed what he was implying."Who?"
"Come on! Short little cutie that gave you a lap dance earlier. Alvin made sure to show me the footage."
My jaw clenched as I responded quietly, "she didn't give me a lap dance."
"Damn, Big Bro's got a crush." He handed a waitress his card to pay off our tab as he looked me up and down. "Dad's gonna flip when he hears this."
The large smile that painted his face soon vanished as I quickly stood and grabbed his shoulder harshly. "Don't. Tell. Dad."
He laughed nervously as his eyes avoided meeting mine. "Come on man, he's our dad..." He trailed off as he now studied my face and seemed to analyze my expression of hate. "Oh come on! Don't tell me you are still on about this. You're fine. Just one too many hits to the head are making you see something."
I'm fine. Fine when I come home covered in bruises. Fine when my injuries get worse without me lifting a finger. Fine when I tell him the truth. Fine when I make sure to have a reason to be out of the house when Dad is home.
"I mean it." I thought a minute of how to cement the deal. "Don't tell him and I'll fight in the ring circuit this year, and you get seventy percent."
"Alright, alright..." He called raising his hands, fingers splayed to form peace signs. I let go of him and sat back down. My fear washing away from my mind as fast as it came.
"Mikhail imma head on home for the night. Don't forget about our meeting with Johnny at ten." I nodded as he stood and clapped me on his shoulder. "Don't drink the night away and.... You know I got your back man, but you gotta stop beatin on Dad. This bullshit about his abusing you has gotta stop."
I turned my head to look out at the fighting ring and avoid his stare. He clapped me on the shoulder and walked off. As soon as he was gone I stood and walked to the bar. Ordering yet another shot I prepared myself for another blackout night. Better to blackout than this about Briella, than think about my Dad. As my sight blurs and all thoughts fade away as the alcohol corrupts me, I repeat my two-word mantra: I'm fine.

It has happened!
I have done it!
I have finally updated!!!!
Enjoy! And know the more votes and comments I get, the more likely I am to update again soon!!!!

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