„Planning on dyeing your hair again?" Little asks pointing at the black roots growing from JK's head. The other is bluffed due to Little's small talk since he never likes talking to him or his brother.

„Yeah but I'm too lazy. I will dye it back to black probably." JK responds leaning back on his chair, eyeing Little from his head to his toe. He could sense some change in Little's appearance but he couldn't put a finger on it.

„And if you're looking for boss he just left to-"

„Oh no I just wanted to come over." Little responds,
making JK nod, still unsure if it's the same Little he knows.
Little himself isn't sure why he is talking to JK probably because he isn't that bad actually. Yes he is teasing him then and now, but not as much as in school. And more over he gets along with JK better than with his brother. Even though JK likes to tease him too, he more over loves to prank Joon so most of the time he is not focused on Little.
Maybe he could befriend with JK somehow sometime, maybe.

His thoughts are interrupted as the crack of old wood makes him look to his left where the stairs are. Soon his eyes meet dark ones, eyes he has been looking at for a few days now. Eyes of an amazing dancer.

As always Hoseok looks good, he for sure knows how to bring the best out of himself. His black hair is styled apart, showing his forehead. He wears a casual outfit today, probably something he can practices in. The short sleeved shirt is revealing his black tattoos on his forearm, Little never really got the chance to look at the closely.

 The short sleeved shirt is revealing his black tattoos on his forearm, Little never really got the chance to look at the closely

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„Oh hello Little." Hoseok interrupts his staring, a charming smile appears on his lips as soon as he spotted Little. „Good Morning JK." he greets the other male while lifting his hand shortly before approaching Little with his other hand in the pocket of his pants.

„Good Morning Hobi." Little responds before flashing a soft smile at the other.

„Never seen Little smile before." JK mumbles surprised crossing his arms in front of his chest as he lifts his feet off the ground and places them on the counter, quietly watching the scene in front of him.

„Did you have a good practice yesterday?" Little asks, turning his body to Hoseok who is standing to his left.

„Yes but it was quite exhausting." Hoseok admits with a chuckle before running his hand through his black hair. He did look more tired than usual but still handsome as hell.

„Ah I see. Don't overwork yourself." Taehyung answers pressing his lips together. He could feel JK's eyes piercing him while he's talking to Hoseok. It's making him even more nervous.

„I won't, Little." Hoseok responds smiling softly at the light haired male before approaching the exit, „well I gotta go. Feel free to drop by if you can."

With that Hoseok exists the shop, leaving two males behind, one grinning brightly, the other one suddenly feeling hot and awkward.

„So you and the dancer?" Jungkook asks teasingly.

„W-what do you mean?" Little frowns, suddenly feeling all nervous.

„You know what I mean." The purple haired boy responds before making kissing sounds with his lips.

„W-what- no!" Little says while he feels the heat running through his body right into his face making his cheeks turn red.

JK starts laughing at Little's nervous reaction, it's funny and cute, cute just like Little himself.

„Y-you are strange JK." Little mutters before his lips turn into a small pout. Again JK enjoys teasing the other, but Little doesn't feel offended.

„You are too, Little." JK says with a big smile on his lips and as Little looks up and their eyes meet, he suddenly has the urge to smile too. JK's smile is genuine and kind and even though he just teased him, Little smiles back at him, genuine and kind.

„You're right." Taehyung adds smiling before looking at his watch and realizing that he has to leave now to pick up his siblings on time.

„I have to go now, maybe I will drop by later again with the kids."

„Then see you later!" JK responds and with that Taehyung leaves the shop to make his way to the school of his siblings.


A/N: Short chapter I'm sorry! It's quite a filler tho (the next chapter too) but I loved the small interaction between Taehyung and Jungkook~
& more will happen after that!

See you on Saturday, don't forget to vote and show some love!

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