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As the morning light hit me today I wasn't angry, instead I smiled. Nicky was still asleep on her side of the bed which was prominent because she had the curtsy of putting down several pillows in between the two of us.

Like that would change anything that happened last night, I smiled with the thought.

I shifted slightly to peer over the pillow fort she had created. Her brown skin was glowing in the morning light, making me smile because she was still wearing my shirt.

She slept soundly and I had this urge to draw out each and every one of her curves, her facial features just so I could always remember what beauty looked like. I needed it on paper, capturing something on a piece of paper had never meant so much to me before and it scared me.

I had drawn a portrait of her years ago, in freshman year of highschool but that's only because we were paired for a project and she was doing all the work so I drew her to pass the time.

I sighed and looked around the room for a pen and paper till my eyes caught a notebook lying open with a pen next to her suitcase.

I smiled and carefully got off the bed, walking towards the book and picking it up. There were alot of notes jotted down inside what I recognised were in Nicky's impeccable handwriting, right under the book was a large history book-she was probably working on a class from the looks of it. Of course Nicky would work on vacation-always the over achiever.

I shook my head to get out of my thoughts and walked around the bed so that I was on her side. I quietly pulled a chair next to the her and sat down, putting my feet up to rest on the edge of the bed

She moved slightly but still fast asleep, after the two glasses of Scotch neat I didn't expect anything else. She was facing the window, whose curtains were only slightly pulled back.

The light was enough to wake me up but not enough for her. Her face was relaxed, her hair lying on her cheek and I could almost see a hint of a smile. I don't know when but my hand started to move the pen on the notebook, but soon enough I was starting with her face.

As I traced out every feature of her face I recalled everything we did last night, she was everything I imagined she'd be and more.


That's what I wanted with her.

Not a meaningless one night stand.

I wanted to be more.

Thinking about the logistics of everything it seemed impossible for us to be together.

Maybe, just maybe if we got that chance to be more in highschool we could've landed in the same continent. Or maybe that would've been the reason we broke up.

This felt like the day after my first kiss all over again-overthinking about what could be only to have every thought crushed by a reckoning force.

Her presence had a way of reminding me that things would work out if I gave it time, but there's a reason people considered me impulsive.

"What are you doing there?" a drowsy voice called out making me look up at a heavy eyed Nicky.

She had a small smile on her face.

"Nothing important" I shook my head closing the book with the pen inside and standing up, placing the book on the chair.

"It's obviously something important" she looked at me pointedly as I moved and sat down on the bed right next to her.

"I'll show you later" I pushed the strand of hair falling on her eyes behind.

"Do you want your shirt back? You must be freezing!" she stared up at the air conditioner then down at my shirt that she was still wearing and quickly started to unbutton the shirt.

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