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"Tell me at least one of your bridesmaids are hot?" I joked with my sister as she threw the ball back in my direction.

"Zach, you're not sleeping with any of my bridesmaids!" she warned me with a glare just as I caught the ball.

"Kaylee, bridesmaids who are single and alone need someone to show them a good-" but before I could finish I got smacked in the back of the head.

"Finish that sentence and I'll start grounding you again" Mom said in a threatening voice, "and both of you need to stop passing that ball around inside the house!"

"Sorry Mom" Kaylee replied and took a seat back on the sofa.

"You can't ground me! I'm twenty seven" I rolled my eyes.

"And I'm your mother, so you will do as I say!" she carefully pulled the ball out of my grip and threw it to the corner of the room.

"Fine" I muttered in annoyance.

"What time is Cameron coming back from the tailor honey?" Mom asked Kaylee.

"He should be here any minute" she replied as she pulled out her phone and texted her beloved fiancee.

Let's get one thing straight, Cameron Hilton and I aren't the best of friends. We've hated each other since that time his junior varsity team beat mine back in high school. Since then we've been sworn enemies, so of course my sister decided to date the bastard.

I'd love to tell you that he only dated her to rub it in my face but the fact that they've been dating for nine years and now they're getting married, kind of puts that theory of mine to bay. Or it could still be a part of his elaborate plan to break my twins heart, thereby hurting the one person I care about the most in the world. Most probably the former.

Of course it's been nine years so I've gotten used to seeing his face at the occasional family gathering and I've made a good effort to be supportive of Kaylee no matter what.

"Shouldn't you be packing?" Mom asked me.

Kaylee and Cameron (and Mom) have been planning this wedding for about a year, they decided on a beautiful beachside resort in California not too far away from home. The plan was to leave today and spend the entire week till the wedding out there, so that the extended families could get to know one another, you'd think that they'd have been introduced in the nine years of dating but alas.

"Just have to collect my suit from the dry cleaners and I'm done" I lied.

"Don't worry about that, I asked Cameron to collect your suit" Kaylee chimed in.

"The last time he collected something for me it was in pieces and he told me that he got it like that, so let's hope he doesn't shred my suit to pieces on his way here" I rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry I warned him" Kaylee smiled sheepishly.

"You and Cameron better behave yourselves this week, Kaylee has enough on her mind and you two do not have to make it worse" Dad suddenly chimed in as he entered the living room.

"Thanks Dad" Kaylee smiled innocently at our father as he sat next to her and pinched her cheek.

"I'll be on my best behaviour but the same cannot be said about her husband to be" I gagged at the thought of my sister actually being married to that idiot.

"Zach seriously! I need this week to be perfect, so no picking on Cameron or flirting with my bridesmaids" she pleaded.

"Who are your bridesmaids anyway?" I asked curiously.

"Tina, she was my college roommate" she raised one finger, "Tamara, a friend from work" raised another finger, "Delilah, Cameron's cousin" she raised a third finger, "And Nicky obviously" she put out a fourth finger but offered no explanation for the last bridesmaid.

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