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"Where are we going?" I asked as she continued to walk right out of the hotel into the street.

"I saw this carnival round the corner" she pulled the tie that was on her hair, letting down her dark hair.

"I'm not going to a carnival" I shook my head stopping in my tracks.

"Be a sport!" she groaned and turned around to face me.

"I am not going to a carnival" I repeated firmly.

"Fine" she said angrily and turned to the left crossing the road.

"Where are you going?" I cursed as I followed her.

"Do you remember in sophomore year when they brought us to that museum somewhere here?" She asked.

"Not too well, but sure" I shrugged.

"It was the week you were seeing Charlotte Ronson? There was a pretty secluded pier close by, pretty sure it's private property" she tried reminding me.

"Oh yeah, you could see it from the place the bus was parked" I recalled.

"Yeah, we're going there!" she smiled brightly as we turned a corner and down an empty road.

"You want to break into private property?" I gave her a once over wondering if she was still Nicole Simone.

"Yea!" She stopped infront of a small gate before she started to climb it.

"You know you could've just-" I pulled on the latch of the gate and pushed it open as she swung along with the gate.

"You're no fun" she stuck out her tongue and got off the gate.

"And you're the one who got into Cambridge" I joked.

"It's the Indian genes, we don't really have to try" she winked.

"Please! You spent a good portion of our senior year with your nose stuck in your books" he reminded me.

"Well an Indian mother doesn't really make it easy" she shrugged.

"Your mom is awesome and she makes some really delicious food!" I replied, thinking back to some of the delicious food Mrs.Menezes-Simone has served me when we were invited over.

"Both my mother's are awesome but my Indian mom always needed to know who was better than me and why I didn't beat them" I sighed.

"Well you were always the best-so" we continued to walk down the twisted path.

"You weren't too bad yourself. I mean look at you now! Your architect dreams came true, you're doing extremely well and you're not sleeping around. The last one is a real win" she winked.

"And you're a jerk" I smiled sarcastically.

"I used to genuinely be concerned about the amount of STDs you could contract" she shook her head.

"You were concerned about me? How sweet" I pouted.

"Well I had to make sure none of that tracked back to one of the boys I dated" she pointed out.

"You know what-I was always safe! Plus I didn't even sleep with that many girls!" I defended myself as we finally reached the pier.

It was beautiful, with it's own little private beach and the infinite ocean ahead. There was a board that read "Private Property: Trespassers will be heavily fined"

"I can bet that you've slept with more people than I have" she walked past the sign towards the pier.

"Total or in high school?" I asked.

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