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He was in the shower and I was in the room, sitting in my bathrobe on the chair right across the mirror.

I stared at myself, my hair was wet, my eyes red and I still had those dark circles under my eyes. I looked like a mess!

Oh my god! I must've looked so horrible under him.

I've never cared for my looks when I was with other people but with Zach-

He looked so...he looked so perfect.

I recalled everything he did to me and felt the blood rush to my cheeks. It suddenly made sense why almost every girl who's hearts he'd broken would go right back to him if he so much as looked in their directions. He was amazing in bed.

While the teenager inside me was jumping with glee, the adult me was confused about the future.

"Have you decided?" his voice breaks my chain of thought.

I looked up to find him standing right outside the bathroom door, his hair and body were still slightly damp and a towel hung around his lower body. Even though it was only a few minutes earlier that I had seen him completely naked, every part about that towel hanging so low made me want to jump right back onto him.

"Nicky! I'm starving, just decide on something!" he begged.

"I'm not hungry" I lied and was busted as soon as my stomach decided to growl.

"Tell that to your tummy" he chuckled walking around the bed and towards me.

"Fine, do you want Chinese? Cause I want fried rice and you don't have a choice" I stated aggressively as I picked up the telephone and dialed the number.

"Could you ask for dessert too?" he gave a broad smile as I started to order.

"One fried rice, yes the spicy one" I nodded as Zach looked at me in horror and shook his head. I smiled and stuck out my tongue, honestly I couldn't think of any other two people who would fight like nine year olds after having mind-blowing sex for the first time.

"And also one chocolate mousse and one brownie with ice cream" I continued.

"Yes thank you" I put the phone down.

"You know I'm not a fan of spice" he sat on the edge of the bed.

"But I am" I grinned.

"That's cause you're weird!" He huffed.

"Am not!" I kicked his leg.

"When we were twelve you ate an entire green chilli and made no effort to even reach for water" he recounted.

"You dared me to! And it wasn't spicy!" I countered.

"See-" he pointed out at me and smiled, "weird"

"Either way, you're still paying" I kicked him again.

"I promised didn't I?" he grabbed his wallet from the dressing table, his body inched closer to mine and I was trying my best not to look at the towel that was slowly moving lower.

"While you're doing that, put on some clothes" I folded my arms and tried moving away.

"Why? Is this too much skin?" he feigned innocence looking down at himself before sitting back down on the bed.

"Just-Put your clothes on" I took a deep breath and looked away.

"It's really hot in here," he looked around the room.

"The airconditioner is on-" I looked at him in bewilderment and realised he was just pulling my leg, "You're doing this on purpose and it's not funny!" I warned him.

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