Cap. 29

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It's pathetic and funny to say the least to see my sister looking at Jisoo the way Jisoo looked at her a few months ago. The only difference is that Jennie looks so sad and regretful that I'm thinking of ways to help her.

Jisoo just got out of here after spending hours pestering me about the amount of stuff I'm going to take with me. Jennie just kept silent as she watched us.

"You'll lose her if you keep acting like this, Nini." I say her nickname with irony to see if she reacts.

"She doesn't feel anything for me anymore, Ruby, in case you haven't noticed."

"So I'm really good, to make her forget you." I start to laugh and she just sighs. I didn't think she was that bad.

"Yeah, you at least made her happy while all I did was make her sad. She'll always be in love with you and part of me is happy about that."

"You're talking so much bullshit, Jennie." I roll my eyes "Jisoo will always love you, just see how she cares and worries."

"No, Ruby Jane, she forgot me. To Jisoo, she's just my best friend and nothing more. Since I'm not even her best friend, Seulgi is." she starts crying and hugs her knees.

"What are you talking about?"

"On the day of your party, I left with Jisoo. I even tried to declare myself, but right at the beginning she cut everything, said that she knew she was important to me and that she would always take care of me because she was my best friend." her face is so red and she is already sobbing "I spent so much time pretending that Jisoo was just my best friend that I think she really convinced herself and that was one of the reasons she forgot me."

"Oh, crap!" I shake my head as I absorb everything she's telling me. "You have a lot to fight for then, Jennie."

"What are you talking about?" She wipes her cheeks.

"Are you going to leave everything like this? Give up so easy? Accept things as it is? Why are you leaving all the decision in her hands?"

"Because I hurt her so much and I don't want to do it again."

"I think getting hurt is normal, look at me and Jisoo. I never imagined we'd be okay after that fight at her house." I say thoughtfully.

"I thought that after that day, Jisoo would finally come back to me, but it seems that all that happened was that we got further apart. She doesn't love me anymore, Ruby." She starts crying again and I roll my eyes.

"Jisoo only came back to me because I went after her, she herself said that she was waiting for me to demonstrate something." I shrug "I think you should risk it, if nothing goes right, at least you'll still have her friendship and at least you tried."

"But how am I going to do that?"

"Think. You know her better than anyone. You don't want me to get her for you, do you? Because if I do, I'm taking her to the USA with me and you won't see her anytime soon." I get up from the couch.

"You wouldn't do that." she pouts.

"Want to bet?" I smirk before going up the stairs.


"I bought ice cream." I say as I open the door for ChuLiChaeng.

Twins? - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now