Cap. 20

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Traveling is so good and so exhausting. I push the suitcase into the living room and lie down on the sofa, taking a deep breath and snuggling into the warmth of the house. There's nothing better than home, actually this is my second home, the first is Jisoo.

Are she and Ruby still not talking? Did they finally break up? I can't stand the urge to have Jisoo back anymore, as it always should have been if I hadn't been so scared.

"Nini!" I hear mom and I jump off the couch to hug her.

"I missed you! I like to travel, but I hate being away from you." I say while we're still holding each other and she walks away.

"We need to talk." she says seriously.

"Where's Ruby Jane?" I arch my eyebrow looking for her around the house or looking for any noise that indicates she's here.

"She went to clarify some things with Jisoo." She says and the frown forms on my face. I roll my eyes and drop onto the couch again.

"What things?"

"Jennie, have you decided which university you want to go to?" mom says seriously and I'm surprised. She was never one to pressure me about anything.

"I'm still choosing with Jisoo, the plan is to go to the same place, why?"

"Is she going to the US?"

"No, we'll send our applications to universities right here. Jisoo wants to try a sports scholarship." I roll my eyes.

"Why does she want? She doesn't need this."

"Mom, you know her. You know how much she likes to conquer things by herself." I curl one of the strands in my hair. "What is the meaning of this conversation?"

"I don't understand you."

"Why?" This conversation is bugging my whole brain.

"You seem to be more Jisoo's girlfriend than Ruby Jane." She shakes her head thoughtfully.

"What are you talking about, mom?" I rub my temples.

"Your father's lawyers got in touch. For Ruby to receive her share of the inheritance, she needs to graduate in US and I'm going with her. You know she already wanted to go to higher education." she says and I'm looking at her trying to understand what she's saying.

Until now I understood that:

1º Mom leaves with Ruby Jane to the US.

2º Ruby Jane goes away from Jisoo.

3º Jisoo will come back to me.

4º Ruby Jane will be on the other side of the world and I'll stay here with my Chu.

Finally, my prayers were answered. The humbled will be exalted. I know I'm overreacting, but damn it. My Chu will come back to me and never leave.

"Jennie, Jennie!" I hear mom's voice.

"Yeah?" I smile at her.

"Do you want to study in the US?"

"No way!" I frown "Never crossed my mind." She laughs when she hears me.

"Is this because of Jisoo?" she says and I feel my cheeks burning.

"I'm waiting for her." I say softly.

"You know, from the first time I saw you two, I knew you would find some way to be together. The way you look at each other." she sighs "When you arrived here with Taehyung, I was confused, but you assured me you were happy, so I didn't even worry."

"I found out too late. Ruby Jane is taking up my space." I pout.

"Honey, I know Jisoo loves you, the way she looks at you is unique. She just isn't in love with you anymore because you stepped on her ego too much, unfortunately or luckily, Ruby Jane managed to make her fall in love and fell in love too. This is something beautiful. People in love are beautiful." She holds my hands.

"But what about me? Will I be without my Chu?"

"Jennie, you had Jisoo for so long and you didn't know how to value her, maybe it's time for you to learn. I know you will eventually find your way to each other." She caresses my hands and kisses my forehead.

"Where will I stay then since you're moving?" I pout again.

"Jisoo's parents said that you two can live together if you go to the same university." she laughs "They are waiting for her results to come out to buy everything. Car, apartment etc."

"And when will we see each other? I was never without you, mom." I hug her tightly and she strokes my hair.

"You're a big baby" she presses my cheek "I'll come visit you every 6 months, but if you want, you can come visit me and take Jisoo too!"

"I'll call you every day! I could never live without talking to you."


Ruby Jane arrived at night. Jisoo left her and went home. As soon as she walked in, she had a grim expression on her face. Did she tell her about her departure and are they over?

Jennie, get hold of yourself. Be patient and don't be rooting for the misfortune of others. Karma is a bitch and you don't want to be on her list, do you?

Somehow I sleep so well that I wake up before the alarm clock. I'm washing strawberries when the doorbell rings and I run out to open the door.

"CHU!" I jump on her and hug her tightly, making her laugh.

"Jendeukie! How was your trip? You're different." She says as she holds me in her arms.

"It was great, I brought some things for you. I really missed you there." when I jump on the floor, I notice that she is so happy. There is no sign of puffiness or dark circles on your face. Is she happy that Ruby Jane is leaving?

"Next time, I'll, I promise you." she shakes our hands and her eyes are so bright, excited.

"JiChu." Ruby Jane's voice is too soft and I arch an eyebrow. She looks excited but isn't beaming like Jisoo is. I look from one to the other and arch an eyebrow. There's something wrong. "How did you sleep?"

"The usual." Jisoo approaches Ruby who is at the stairs and hugs her tightly, lifting her off the ground and burying her face in her neck "I got used to feeling your heat."

"Jisoo." mom appears at the bottom of the stairs and looks at the two with the same confusion as I'm.

"Hello, good morning." Jisoo bends over quickly and mommy laughs.

"You don't need all this formality, you know that. You are like a daughter to me." mom goes down and hugs Jisoo, pulling her to the kitchen.

"And you're like my second mom."

"How are these girls treating you? Making you crazy?" my mom laughs again.

"Nothing I can't handle." she sits across from Ruby.

"How are you and Ruby doing?" mom arches her eyebrow.

"Better than ever, right, baby?" Jisoo takes her hand and intertwines her fingers under the table. Ruby forces a smile that Jisoo doesn't seem to realize is fake as mom and I exchange a worried look.

merry christmas and enjoy :)

Twins? - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now