Cap. 21

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Jane is so clingy lately and at the same time she's studying like never before. According to her, she wants to get high notes on exams, but I think she's putting herself too much pressure.

Her dark circles are deeper and she's paler. I try to feed her and take her to her favorite meals, but I don't think it's enough.

"Hey, love couple." I throw a paper ball at Chaelisa who glare at me.

"What you want? Just because your girlfriends aren't here, you can't upset us." Lisa says and I roll my eyes.

"I only have one girlfriend" Jennie and Ruby Jane went out with their mother to go shopping all day. Family date or something.

"Why did you disturb us?" Lisa throws a paper ball at my head.

"I'm finding Ruby very pale lately. I wanted to think of things to make her eat better." I scratch the back of my neck.

"She looks so tired." Chae says and nods.

"Which university does she want to go to?" Lisa says suddenly.

"I don't know. We don't talk about it." I say thoughtfully.

"You applied to universities with Jennie and you don't even know where your girlfriend wants to go?" Lisa arches an eyebrow and gives a smirk.

"Jennie has already accepted the situation, she's not acting like that anymore."

"Let's see for how long." Lisa says softly, but I can hear.

"What did you say?" I squint my eyes and Chae pinches Lisa, whispering something I can't hear. I just roll my eyes and ignore them as I think of ways to feed Jane.


"Hey!" I see Jennie walk into my room "It feels like a decade since I was last here." she says while watching everything.

"Nothing has changed, everything remains the same." I shrug and cross my legs, sitting like indians "But I also don't remember when was the last time you were here."

"Mom sent you chicken pie, I put in the fridge," she says as she sits down across from me, mimicking my position.

"If I hadn't had ice cream, I would have eaten now." sigh "I regret having had ice cream, I prefer pie."

"You prefer anything with chicken." She rolls her eyes.

"Chicken chicken chicken" smile at her "PPOOOOOOONG!" I start tickling her until she pushes me and I fall to her side.

"You're evil!" she says breathlessly and turns sideways to me "You could get me ice cream..." She slides her fingers on my arm and I close my eyes. Jennie has always had this effect, when she touches me, I feel marked by a different kind of fire that makes the spot she touched so vividly.

"I'm not your maid." I bite my lip to keep from laughing because I know she's going to complain.

"Duh, ok." I feel the mattress move and I open my eyes to see her getting up.

"Where are you going?" I look at her confused.

"I'll have ice cream and go." She shrugs as she puts her hair in a bun and leaves the room.

"Why? I was kidding." I get up quickly following her. "Jennie, I was kidding." I grab her wrist and pull her around to face me.

"Don't worry, Sooya." she pulls her wrist and goes down the stairs. She never calls me Sooya.

"Please, Jen, don't be mad with me." I say as I watch her pick up the things in the kitchen, knowing better than I where the items are.

"It's okay, I understand that your kindness is only for Ruby Jane now." She shrugs and I feel guilty.

"It's not like that, Jen." I rest my arms on the bench while I look at her. I don't know what to say or do. "Why wasn't Jane bringing the pie?"

"No kindness and now complaining about the delivery man. Tsk Tsk Tsk." She shakes her head as she pours the ice cream into the cup.

"Sorry, I just..."

"She's studying for her final exams and said she didn't want to be disturbed, so mom asked me if I could come." she shrugs "As I was missing you, I thought would be nice to finally have a good time with you, but I was wrong" She turns and puts the ice cream away.


"Enough of apologies, Jisoo, you don't owe me explanations for anything." she takes the cup and a spoon as she walks to the living room. "I'm leaving, then Ruby gives you this."

I don't know why I did what I did, but I ended up doing it. When I realized, I had already pulled Jennie closer to me and we were facing each other. She was clearly confused by what I was doing and all that was on my mind was how much I missed her sour mood having fun.

"What are you doing?" Jennie says softly with the spoon still in her mouth.

"I don't know." I say looking at her mouth and I remember the day in the locker room "I don't know how to act around you anymore, Jennie. You make me nervous when you're around." Why am I confessing these things to her?

"I feel that way, but I want to do so many things with you that I can't decide on one of them to start." She takes the spoon out of her mouth and runs her tongue over her lips, making me grit my teeth.

"Jennie, why are you kidding me like that?"

"I'm not the one kidding you, Jisoo." the tone she uses is different. It's not like the teasing she makes.

"What do you mean by that?" I arch an eyebrow at her and squeeze my hands together to realize I'm still holding onto her waist.

"Nothing, I'm just not kidding you. I know I was unhappy a while ago, but since I found out the truth about us, I've never taken you as seriously as I do now. There is nothing in the world that would make me change, Jisoo."

"Nothing? Nobody? Taehyung?"

"You'll never forget that, will you? You will never forgive me for this mistake." she pushes me. "But no money or anyone in the world would change my mind about how much I want to be with you." She leaves without saying anything else and I wonder why she talked about money.

Twins? - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now