Cap. 31

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Missing mom is so bad, especially since it's the first time I've been without her. From now on, I'm going to have to deal with any problems that come my way.

Yeah, I thought I'd have Jisoo's support, but it's not quite like that. She's the same Jisoo as before, with a few differences.

1º - She's colder and distant.

2º - I feel like there's something wrong, but whenever I ask what it is, she says it's just my imagination.

3º - She doesn't talk to me like before.

4º - We don't do anything together anymore.

5º - I feel like Jisoo wants to see anyone but me.

I talked to Chaelisa about it, but they didn't seem to know something I don't, they were just confused.

"Hey, princess, you didn't like the room?" Jin enters my new room. Our parents forced me to move into the same house as Jisoo until we moved permanently in a few weeks.

"Yes, I liked it, I already knew this one." I start laughing at his euphoria.

"I thought you only knew Jisoo's." he says in a mischievous tone and I roll my eyes. "Hey, how are you two?"

"Same thing as always. Best friends." Sigh.

"Not on your part, right?" He threw himself on the bed and put his hands behind the head.

"She doesn't feel anything for me. My sister was the antidote." I shook my head and took a deep breath, Jin got up and walked over to me.

"Jen" I feel him hug me and I lean my head on his chest "Don't be like that, I know Jisoo loves you, she will always love you. You're soulmates." he says softly.

"No, Jin, she moved on and got over me. She doesn't even want to be around me."

"What do you mean?!" He pulls away and puts his hand on my cheek, the typical worried look of Kim's, but Jisoo's will always be more intense.

"Jennie, I just made the copies..." I hear Jisoo's voice and I move away from Jin automatically. She's looking from him to me, surprised and confused, but there's something else that disappears before the coldness sets in.

"Chu, I..." I start to speak, but she cuts me off right away.

"Your copies of keys are ready. I put an identification sticker on each one, but I believe you know everything well enough." She throws the keys on top of the table, next to the door, and turns to leave.

"Jisoo." Jin says and she stops, still not turning to us. "Whatever you're thinking..."

"I don't need explanations. What Jennie does or doesn't do in her room and with whomever she wants is her business."


Dinner: pizza and Coke, follows in awkward silence. Jisoo and Jin are each at one end of the bench and I'm in the middle.

She looks distracted as she eats and fiddles with her phone, I'd even venture to say she's in a good mood.

"Jisoo, do you already know when your car arrives?" Jin tries to start a conversation.

Twins? - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now