Cap. 5

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Jisoo's words don't leave my mind. She kind of declared herself a month ago, and I couldn't get any reaction or even talk to her.

My heart started beating so fast after hearing everything she said that I couldn't think, by the time I managed to move she was gone.

Now she doesn't talk to me anymore, not even a look, and it seems like it all comes down to Ruby Jane. I get annoyed just remembering it.

I go downstairs and am surprised to see Jisoo sleeping on the couch. She looks so beautiful. I approach her and brush some strands from her face. I take in every wonderful detail of her face, how her soft, delicate contours, how the shape of her nose fits perfectly into her face, just above her heart-shaped lips.

"What are you doing admiring my girlfriend?" Ruby shows up and pisses me off.

"She's not your girlfriend."

"You're late, honey, she asked three days ago." I turn to her and see her smiling as if she had won the war.

"What?" I end up choking and feel like a punch in the stomach.

"I can tell you the details of the romantic and unforgettable request she prepared." she approaches me.

"You're bluffing." I arch an eyebrow.

"I may be mean, but I'm not a liar, Jen. You know it."

"Do you like her or are you doing it to piss me off? Because if it's the second case, you've already got what you wanted."

She just ignores me and nudges Jisoo to wake her up. Even groggy, Ruby pulls her upstairs to her room and all I want now is to break everything.


"Did you know Jisoo and Ruby are dating?" I say as I watch soccer practice. Lisa, Rosie, and I are sitting in the stands eating snacks.

"Yes." Lisa says in a broken voice. I arch an eyebrow at her as she swallows hard "We help her prepare everything."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Considering the fight you two had, we didn't know you were interested to know about it." Lisa says.

"It wasn't a fight."

"No, it was her saying that she liked you and that it didn't change anything, besides the fact that you broke her heart because you only sees her as a best friend." Lisa shrugs "But it wasn't a fight."

"Do you think she really likes Ruby?" I say after a while and I hear Rosé sigh.

"I'll be honest and sorry if this will hurt you in any way" she stares at me "I don't think she liked Ruby, I think she was projecting her feelings for you on your sister. In her mind it's as if she now has two of you and finally one has chosen her." I feel my heart speed up "But you two are different and Jisoo's not stupid, she knows that, so I think she started to get attached to Ruby, she learned to like it because of the feelings she has for you, after your conversation, I think she threw herself at Ruby for good because she knows there's no chance with you." I open my mouth to reply, but she continues "I'm particularly happy to see Jisoo so good. It was depressing to see her waiting for any crumb from you, but I'm also sad because you're like this now and even though I'm not sure of your feelings, with each passing day Ruby is taking over even more of Jisoo's mind and heart."

"What do I do?" I feel a tear run down and Rosie hugs me.

"Your heart has to tell you, Jen."


Lucky that Taehyung manages to distract me enough for me to feel light again. He's so affectionate and thoughtful today that I wonder if he's planning something, but I soon dismiss the thought.

I'm walking upstairs to enter my room when I hear moans and whispers.

"Is it that good?" Ruby says.

"Yeah, right there." Jisoo's muffled voice. I can't believe they're doing this here! I open Ruby's bedroom door to see her sitting on Jisoo's ass, massaging.

"Glad you're here, Jennie." she jumps to the ground and comes towards me.

"Baby, let it go, it's not important, come back here." Jisoo looks tired.

"Tell your boyfriend that the next time he moves an eyebrow towards my girlfriend, he goes to the hospital, got me?" Ruby says with a tone so threatening that I get scared.

"What are you talking about? What happened to you, Jisoo?" I try to approach her, but Ruby holds me by the arm.

"Your stupid boyfriend hit a basketball really hard on Jisoo's back, it's purple, she's in pain and it's your two faults."

"What? I didn't even know!"

"Because he said it was Jisoo's fault that you were like that." Ruby points her finger in my face.

"As if I spoke to you." Jisoo says without looking at me and laughs humorlessly as she gets up and puts on her shirt. "I'm leaving, Jane."

"Wait, don't go yet, I'll finish your massage and let's go to the pharmacy to buy an anesthetic ointment."

"No need..." Jisoo starts to say and stops when Ruby stares at her.

"I hope you and your boyfriend are warned or you will find out what war really means." she squeezes my arm tighter and I feel her nails against my skin. Ruby pushes me out of her room.

"Enough, Jane. Let's go." Jisoo gives her a kiss on the cheek and pulls her out.

Twins? - JENSOO - english versionWhere stories live. Discover now